“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Well I haven't heard from him since Monday, which is weird considering he usually sends me a letter on Mondays too so I get one during the week... He said he would send one, but I guess he wasn't able to send it. He is now in Georgia though. He left to his actual mission on Tuesday. He also said he would be able to call to let us know he made it safe and we don't think we got that call either, so as  you can imagine I am really nervous and have been worried sick all week. I just hope he can email me Monday. If I don't hear from him then I will for sure freak out... It's nerve racking! Wondering if he is okay or not. I used to never have to worry that he was still alive and okay, but now I just wonder all the time. His cousin who just came home from his mission told me that we would have gotten a call from someone by now if something bad happened, so I am holding him to that! I am sure he is okay, I just worry too much for my own good!

Hmm so story time... the story I was thinking of was when he gave his farewell talk. :) I had gone up to Utah to spend our last time together before he left. It was New Years weekend that I got to go there. So New Years night we stayed up writing his talk. He was saying all these funny things that I didn't think he would actually say. :) Most of them were to just make me laugh. :) So I got a little surprise when I sat down to hear  him speak.

It was his turn to speak so he got up and told the congregation to bare with him because he had stayed up all last night. He let them know he was called to the Atlanta Georgia North mission and that he was so excited to serve there and serve the people there. He told them, "You know I didn't always want to serve a mission I mean I had free college and an amazing girlfriend *congregation laughed*. I mean why would I want to leave that all behind? But I saw the experiences my cousins were having on their missions and I prayed a lot about it and got the answer that I didn't necessarily want at the time. I am sure you know what it was because here I am." He then went on to explain that his talk is on examples and he wanted to talk about some of the good examples he has had in his life. The first one was his cousin who was already on his mission. (Elevator boy! :D ) He then says, "The next person is that girl sitting right there *points right at me, the whole congregation turns to look at me*. This girl has been behind me poking me with a stick making sure that I am doing all that I needed to be doing like reading my scriptures with me at night and praying with me. I just wanted to let her know that I appreciate everything that she has done." He almost made me cry when he said that. :) I loved hearing that! He then went on to talk about how Christ is our ultimate example in life. He bore his testimony and let everyone know that he is grateful for the experience he is being allowed to have and is excited for his mission.

I couldn't believe he actually said all that stuff. :) It made me feel so happy inside! None of my other boyfriends have ever done anything like that. He is actually the first guy to ever talk about me to other people, like his friends and family. He makes me feel like he is proud to be with me. :) And that's one feeling that I cannot describe to you after feeling like someone tried to hide being with me and was ashamed of it. Totally different and I love it! :)

"If you love someone let them go, if they come back to you then they were yours all along, if they don't then they weren't yours to begin with." -Not sure who said it first, but they are brilliant! :)

One day closer! :D

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