“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Perfect Enough for the Big Screen

I got to hear from him today... well Monday. lol. He makes me feel absolutely amazing when he emails me. :) He told me that he loved my hair and I said I thought he would hate it and he said, "Babe I couldn't ever hate anything about you." He is such a sweetheart! :) When he had to go he said, "I LOVE YOU MRS GARDNER!!!!!:)" Who doesn't like hearing that?! :) So today when I sent off his letter I signed it, Jennica Gardner. :) I hope he notices and says something about it. :)

Today I made him his rice crispies for Valentines Day! We took some oreos and crushed them and put them in with the cereal. Then formed them into hershey's kisses and dipped the bottoms in chocolate and then dipped that into more crushed oreos. Needless to say they are absolutely delicious! I just hope they are still good by the time they get to him! It might take at least a week... I need to get that sent today, Tuesday! Valentines Day is also our one year and 7 months. :) I can't wait until it's our two year, or three year! Three year is even better! That would mean he comes home in 6 months! :)

So the story I wanna tell tonight is just something sweet he did, I doubt he would remember it, but I will always remember this. :)

I was making dinner, I am not even sure what it was now that I try to remember. But I just remember him going over to his computer and messing with some music. His mom went into her room. Mark turned on our song and then walked over to me and hugged me from behind. :) I turned to hug him and then he somehow smoothly slid my hand into his and held my waist and started dancing with me while smiling at me and kinda singing the words to our song. :) I don't know if I had ever told him this but that was one thing I wanted my husband to do with me. :) I saw it in the movie Charly once and I thought it was so adorable! When he did that I melted. :) Just melted inside. :) I couldn't stop smiling -- shoot I can't stop smiling now just writing about it!. He kept asking me, "What?" I just said, "I love you. :)"

He did that a couple times and I loved it both times. :) Absolutely loved it! He is so adorable and I cannot wait to have him back, but every day is one day closer right?

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