“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Monday, February 13, 2012


It has been such a long time since I have blogged! A lot has happened well kinda. Not really. I am still just going through my boring old life, two jobs and writing Mark.

Today was p-day and he let me know that he accidentally deleted all of his pictures.... GAH! I am not really mad, I just wish it didn't happen cause that means ALL his pics from the MTC are Gone! Just gone... Now it's going to take him doubly as long to send me any. He actually sent me one today that is him with a du-rag on. :) He looks funny, but I love him. :) This picture made me laugh SO much! :) I just think it's funny that's the first picture I have ever seen of him on his mission.

He sent me a Valentine's Day card that said stuff about everyday he counts the minutes until he is back again with me. :) It was the PERFECT card for the occasion and situation; OF COURSE IT'S HALLMARK! :) He also sent me a picture of the Salt Lake Temple where he said, "I found this and just wanted to send it to you to give you something to look at. This is where we WILL be married in 2 YEARS! :)" Then he drew a picture of me and him and holding hands with the word FOREVER on top of that. :) I thought that was super cute. :) 

I don't know. It was a month two days ago and it doesn't seem like time is going too slow. It's going nice and constant. I have a lot of activities.. or responsibilities... to keep me entertained, which makes the time go faster! His cousin came into town and visited me! :) That was fun. He reminds me a lot of Mark and did a lot of the same things Mark does, like puts his hat on his knee and stuff. I miss Mark a lot... Each day it gets a little harder to cope, but I am doing it! Oh and my countdown chain now touches the floor! :D

I am not sure what story I want to tell. I haven't really had any particular memory on my mind today or this week actually. I was actually reminded of how much Mark would want to protect me. This week the guy (old friend) Mark would call my stalker texted me and is trying to start a lot of drama with me, like usual. I just remember Mark always saying "Don't talk to him, he is no good. He isn't going to be nice." Just stuff like that. I need to remember that!

Not having him around all the time really sucks. It honestly does. I want to deny the fact that I miss him a lot, but I really do. I am used to not always being with him, but I really just want to be able to hear his voice... I miss that the most! Just his calm and soothing voice... I can't wait until Mother's Day!

He sent me an email today that said, "Hey baby. I just had a few minutes before dinner and pday ends so I thought I'd hurry and tell you that I love you and that you're freakin amazing! :) :X :X :X Don't forget that! Goodnight and sweet dreams until next week my cuddle muffin. :) :X :X :X I L O V E Y O U!!! :X :X :X Keep smiling for me  honey, that's what keeps me going. Oh and I printed out one of your pictures to hang on my wall. :) :X :X :X"

That email made me feel special and happy and just happy. :) I love feeling important to him still. He is supposed to write me a long letter today! So I am stinkin excited! :D He says he has a lot to tell me and I hope he writes a lot today. I want to hear everything he has to say! :)

Well I am off to bed, but until next time, Everyday is one day closer!

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