“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Friday, February 3, 2012


Although nothing more than the usual happened today, I had a pretty good day. :) My little sister and I were driving in the car to my house and I saw the mail man! I got really really excited and she just thought I was crazy! :) I jumped out of the car and went the the mailbox... nothing... So I told her we had to stay home long enough for the mailman to come to our side of the street. She's just thinking, "You are crazy!" :) But I didn't care. Even though I didn't end up receiving a letter I still was excited! I hope I get one tomorrow! :) He just flew to Georgia on Tuesday and I am nervous and excited for him! I hope he is okay and that everything is going well! I will hear from him on Monday at least! :)

Tonight I also read some posts from a Facebook group page that I am in about waiting for a missionary and her missionary came back today! I am SO excited for her and I just kept thinking I cannot wait for that day! I will cry for sure and just be so happy! :) I don't know what I will do! But that's another 23 months and 6 days ahead of us! :)

So in this car ride with my sister she asked me if Mark and I are really engaged and that reminded me of the night he actually proposed. So I guess that's the story I will tell tonight. :)

Mark and I had been dating for 5 months and hadn't seen each other since that first time we met when I went to Utah. Crazy right! It wasn't too bad considering we weren't used to being around each other and we never really got to hang out a lot either. I just really enjoyed texting and talking to him constantly, but those 5 months without him kinda stunk. So since he was at college he had a break during Christmas, so we arranged for him to stay with my family and I for a week over Christmas break. When he got there it was absolutely amazing! I remember watching him drive up to my house and me just like screaming in my head, "He's here! He's here! :D" I walked up to him and gave him a hug and held his hand a little bit. But that week was really fun! Our first kiss too! That night he got here we went out to his car and I remember him looking at me and then leaning in and I didn't want to just think he wanted to kiss me so I bent my head down a little and he kissed my nose. I felt kind of bad, but it's funny to think of now. :) But later that night I went in and kissed him a few times. :) So he was redeemed! :)

On Christmas eve Mark told me he had a present for me, but that none of my family could see it. So I was a little curious, just wondering what it could be. (He had sent me picture mail messages of rings for my opinion and just said he didn't have enough money to get the one that I liked, but that he liked that one a lot too.) I was kind of thinking that's what his present was, but I wasn't certain. :) When my mom went to the grocery store we went out to his car, it was dark outside. Almost pitch black! We go to the side of his car and he tells me to turn around, so I do. I heard him open the door and then close it and he told me to turn around, he was on one knee and asked, "Jennica will you marry me?" I said yes of course and he slipped the ring on my finger. He got up and I just couldn't stop smiling and laughing. I hugged him and told him, "I love you!" :) He told me he loved me too. :) At that time I was just so blown away that I didn't even look at the ring! When we got inside though I finally looked at it and of course it was gorgeous! It has our names on it along with two hearts with each of our birthstones. One is red and the other blue. Next to those they have five little diamonds and the band splits a little and comes back together. I don't think I did it justice with that description, but it's absolutely beautiful. :)

That was it though. :) Nothing totally special or outrageous! But I definitely remember that night and always will. :) At that time in our relationship though he hadn't planned to go on a mission, which is a different story for another night! But we had talked about getting married and after that night he wanted to get married in August of that year! Crazy how your plans get changed sometimes huh? I think that this time my plans were definitely changed for the better. :) He and I still want to get married though! It has just been put on hold for two years. :)

I keep thinking about the day he will get home and I just cannot wait! I am SO excited! I just hope that these two years will fly by like everyone keeps saying they will! I love him and miss him tremendously! But for right now I am faithfully waiting for his honorable return. :)

Everyday is a day sooner to the day he will be back in my arms!

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