“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Mmm I'm not sure how I am feeling today. It has been SO long since I have blogged it's ridiculous!

What all has happened? Well I guess I will just start with the basics! :)

I am getting used to Anthony being around. I have talked to him more about what happened with he and I and honestly it's a lot harder for me to let go then I had wanted it to be. I finally feel like I am going through a break up and it sucks because he and I were broken up over 2 years ago. Finally addressing the situation is honestly (excuse my language but it IS a place :) ) Hell. I feel now, though, with all the prayers and talks and just me yearning for some peace with the matter that I am finally able to overcome this speed bump in my road and continue forward with faith knowing I have made the right decision. I don't regret anything that has happened because it has made me the person I am and I feel like the person I am now is better, more humble, then the person I was. Sometimes God just has to tear you down and keep you there for a while to make you become more humble. It's during this time that we are torn down for repair that we need to keep the faith that the enhancements are coming soon, but they ARE coming.

Not TOO much has happened in this dry spell of no blogging. It's almost 5 months! I need to remember that I don't have 2 years to wait anymore, but I have a year and 7 and a half months. :) That makes me feel like time is actually going by!

I am trying to get into a habit of exercising and eating right. In my yearning for healthiness I have invested in 2 Jillian Micheals work out dvd's which, let me tell you now, make you sore for days! I haven't been that sore since I played basketball in high school. I am also taking a supplement called Vemma. If you haven't heard of it you should look in to it. :) It doesn't taste terrible at all and it's ALL of your daily values of essential vitamins and minerals that we aren't getting through foods anymore. I have a website for it if you want to look up more about it. There are energy drinks and weight loss drinks with it too that have the same Vemma formula in it. SO it's healthy energy drinks! :) I know, hard to believe right? If you are interested in the business portion of it also you can ask me and I will help you with that. :)

Okay enough of my business talk. :)

I'm excited for change. Sometimes change is good. :) I'm excited for college to start and to make new friends and start out in a new place. It shall be fun! So here's to the next year and 7 1/2 months and change! :D

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