“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Friday, June 15, 2012

23 Month Anniversary! :)

Today, well technically yesterday :), was mine and Mark's 1 year and 11 months anniversary. :) I can't believe that in another month it will be our two year anniversary! :D How exciting. :)

I got a letter from him today. :) An absolutely wonderful one that totally made up for him not writing for two weeks. :) He is such a sweetheart and just makes me so happy. :)

I asked for some scriptures and he gave me a whole long page or more of scriptures and explaining them, testifying to me about the truthfulness of the gospel. I loved that SO much! If you knew Mark before he left you'd know he would not of been able to do that, but now it seems like he does it without much effort it just amazes me! He is changing, learning and growing in the gospel so much and I love it. :) He is turning even more into the man of my dreams. :)

When I got his letter I actually was SO excited because it has an SD card full of pictures and videos of just him on his mission. :) I loved it! SO much! He just  makes me so happy and I was SO excited to look at it all. :) He told me to look up a song so while I was waiting for the pictures to go onto my computer I listened to it and it just made me flat out bawl. The song is called What Are Words by Chris Medina and just everything that's said in it reminds me of Mark. He would call me his angel and tell me I'm never alone and that he'd keep me safe. :) Oh my gosh I am in love with this boy. :) He is turning SO much into the man I am going to marry and have for all eternity. :) He is absolutely amazing!

I'd always make him chicken alfredo. :)

The blanket I made him. :)

52 Reasons Why I Love You!

His desk with my picture, my sisters and his cousin. :)


I HAVEN'T DONE THIS IN FOREVER! A memory of us. :) Haha let me think!
I don't know if I have shared this memory on here or not but I am going to! :)
When I was making dinner one night at Mark's house his mom had moved and gone into her room and Mark had music blasting. When she left the room he turned on our song and then came over to me, grabbed my hands and started slow dancing with me. :) Oh my gosh that boy knew how to charm me! I had always wanted a guy to do that with me. :) I loved it OH so much. :)

I feel like I have shared that moment, so I think I'm going to share another one too. :)
For my birthday last year we weren't able to spend it together. Since it was also one day away from our first year anniversary it really was a bummer. I hated not being with him and hoped that he would show up at my door unexpectedly. :) Even though I knew that was a long shot I still wished it would happen. :) In the middle of the day the door bell rang and when I opened it ( I KNOW! In all wonderful romantic movies Mark would be there with roses, but that didn't happen.) there was a person with a bouquet of the most beautiful roses I had ever seen and some balloons that said Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary. :) I couldn't believe it! I loved it so much. :)

I'm forever keeping my angel close. :)

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