“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Friday, June 22, 2012

Missionary Work is Amazing

I have been recently going out with the missionaries, like I said in my other posts, to help teach a discussion with a girl around my age. Can I say this is one of the best experiences I have had since Mark has been gone? I honestly was SO excited to go the first time they asked if I would and then they asked me again today if I would go. Of course I said yes. :)

Sitting in on the discussions really just strengthens what I know about this church. It makes me want to study the scriptures more and UNDERSTAND them more. I always "read" my scriptures sometimes it sticks and sometimes it doesn't, but listening in to what the missionaries are teaching really makes me want to STUDY the scriptures more often and to be diligent in reading and pondering everything I have to study.

The girl we are teaching really knows a lot about the Bible and she has a lot of questions about the Book of Mormon. Her questions and wonderings about the church really help me understand what I believe more. When you teach a lesson people say that YOU (the teacher) get more then the students and I definitely believe that is true. When I explain something to her it helps me realize that what I know is true and I am helping her see that also.

Some of her questions are really in depth and it amazes me that missionaries do this everyday. They go out and answer some of the hardest questions that just as a member you don't get asked everyday, which to me is just amazing. It helps me see what all the missionaries are out doing. It helps me understand the difficulty that being on a mission is, not even just physically but emotionally and spiritually. You are growing and learning so much during this relatively short time. Oh my gosh I was just in amazement. Mark was telling me that his area is really hard and just seeing how this discussion was difficult because of these questions I can't imagine what he is getting there. I am sure they are either just as hard or even more difficult and complex.

I admire the missionaries. I admire the way that they leave their families for two years to go out and serve the Lord. It isn't easy one bit for them to leave and go into something that isn't easy. It won't be a walk in the park and they know it. But they do it anyways. I love that some have sacrificed so much to go on a mission because they know it is where the Lord wants them to be. :) How much faith they must have to trust in the Lord so much is just admirable. :)

I have such a new respect and excitement for missionary work now and I am sad that I will have to miss this next discussion, but I hope that they continue to invite me. :) Going out with the missionaries is so awesome and I am super excited I have started going and doing this again. :) I love it! :D

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