“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Thursday, June 14, 2012

5 Month Vlog!

FULL update of what has happened the past five months and how I feel about it? I am SUPER excited about it actually being 5 months since he has gone. I can't believe how fast time really is going. Next thing I know I'm going to be at six months! I NEVER thought I'd get there or see that day! BUT it's coming and it's coming fast! :D That's super encouraging for me! :)

I think back to the days when I didn't think I'd ever wait for a missionary again or be waiting for Mark. Life has changed SO much for the better and I can't even believe it. :) Our relationship is SO much stronger and very much relies on the Lord and what he wants for us and our future family. :) The changes that have happened have ALL been revolved around what our Heavenly Father wants and I can see how these qualities we are both making in ourselves are VITAL for our relationship and one day our family. :)

This time being apart has strengthened our relationship tremendously. I can't even believe how much closer we have come and it's nice to see that he and I aren't growing apart, but closer together. :) TODAY! The 14th of June is actually our 1 year and 11 month anniversary! :) I still love him with all my heart and I am so glad that I started dating him a year and eleven months ago. :) Life is good! SO SO GOOD!

In my video I decided to put a "secret message" that I don't think is SUPER secret, but if you don't pay attention to the ending you will miss it. :) If you haven't watched it yet, go ahead and watch it now and see if you can find it! (The message is also in the description of my video) but I want everyone to get my message so I'm going to type it out so it makes sense (some parts don't totally make sense in the video). :)


How I feel about waiting for a missionary:

If you're waiting for a missionary:
STOP! There's no need to feel down. I said young man (or woman) get yourself off the ground, cause you're in a new town (or place of life) there's no need to be unhappy!
Cause these two years are a "thriller" and will go by so fast like "grease lightning".
When you're done waiting it will make you feel so good! Like ice ice baby! SO JUMP AROUND!

I get knocked down by other people, but I get up again! DON'T ever let anyone keep you down!

What is love? Don't hurt them! (Even if they're from Cotton eyed Joe? :) ) It aint no lie baby, don't say bye bye bye, even when it does get tough.
It might sound crazy but when you're having a hard time just shake it, shake it, shake it and get that dirt off your shoulder!
And in two years you will say "Let's get out of here!" BYE BYE BYE Waiting! :D

Here's to the next 19 months! Every day is one day closer! :D

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