“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Family Ties

I just got back from an AMAZING weekend with his family and I didn't want to come home! I finally have move in dates and school start dates so now I know when I am moving and what I am doing finally, which is super nice. :) I even went around and collected some applications. :) I'm super excited for college to start. It seems like it is just going to be a lot of fun! :)

I spent a lot of time with his mom, which is normal for when I go there. We sit and talk for hours because there isn't much to do in the middle of nowhere with no internet or television. :) I really enjoy talking to her and I feel like sometimes it's therapeutic for her. She isn't alone all the time when I visit and I know it's super nice to have someone else around when you're just used to being alone. :)

I went and finally saw a show at Tuacahn! I saw "Hairspray" (which I had never seen all the way through before) and I loved it. :) Mark's aunt had an extra ticket so I went with her and some of her friends and kids. :) Good bonding time eh? :) But I really did enjoy myself and I want to go see Aladdin there SO bad! That would be SO cool! :D

I went and visited his other aunt and her family. :) She has 10 kids and is just amazing. :) I love her so much and she is so nurturing! :) I went and taught her how to make pie crust, which was really fun. The kids are finally starting to get used to me being around and come around to me. :) One of the smallest ones is actually talking to me! I really love that so much and I feel like I just fit right in. :)

Last night when I went to be I knew I wouldn't be awake when Mom was awake and going into town for work so I decided to leave her a note telling her what my plans were in the morning and to let her know how much I love and appreciate her. I thanked her for everything she does and that she raised a really good son, who loves her and appreciates her more then I do. :) When I woke up, Mom left me a couple notes that just made my day. :) One of them said "Thanks for loving my boy and I pray your hearts will remain the same -- I know you mean the world to Mark. He wouldn't be in such a great place in his life without your love and support. If it was for mother's to choose, I'd pick YOU!!!" :) Ahhh that just made me so happy! :D

Mark's family just makes me feel so welcome and I love them so much. :) It just feels right, like I am supposed to be there. I already consider them my family lol. :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Missionary Work is Amazing

I have been recently going out with the missionaries, like I said in my other posts, to help teach a discussion with a girl around my age. Can I say this is one of the best experiences I have had since Mark has been gone? I honestly was SO excited to go the first time they asked if I would and then they asked me again today if I would go. Of course I said yes. :)

Sitting in on the discussions really just strengthens what I know about this church. It makes me want to study the scriptures more and UNDERSTAND them more. I always "read" my scriptures sometimes it sticks and sometimes it doesn't, but listening in to what the missionaries are teaching really makes me want to STUDY the scriptures more often and to be diligent in reading and pondering everything I have to study.

The girl we are teaching really knows a lot about the Bible and she has a lot of questions about the Book of Mormon. Her questions and wonderings about the church really help me understand what I believe more. When you teach a lesson people say that YOU (the teacher) get more then the students and I definitely believe that is true. When I explain something to her it helps me realize that what I know is true and I am helping her see that also.

Some of her questions are really in depth and it amazes me that missionaries do this everyday. They go out and answer some of the hardest questions that just as a member you don't get asked everyday, which to me is just amazing. It helps me see what all the missionaries are out doing. It helps me understand the difficulty that being on a mission is, not even just physically but emotionally and spiritually. You are growing and learning so much during this relatively short time. Oh my gosh I was just in amazement. Mark was telling me that his area is really hard and just seeing how this discussion was difficult because of these questions I can't imagine what he is getting there. I am sure they are either just as hard or even more difficult and complex.

I admire the missionaries. I admire the way that they leave their families for two years to go out and serve the Lord. It isn't easy one bit for them to leave and go into something that isn't easy. It won't be a walk in the park and they know it. But they do it anyways. I love that some have sacrificed so much to go on a mission because they know it is where the Lord wants them to be. :) How much faith they must have to trust in the Lord so much is just admirable. :)

I have such a new respect and excitement for missionary work now and I am sad that I will have to miss this next discussion, but I hope that they continue to invite me. :) Going out with the missionaries is so awesome and I am super excited I have started going and doing this again. :) I love it! :D

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Finding Peace in Life as We Know It

I feel like SO much has happened, but honestly when I look back not much has happened at all. I guess just big mile stones for me have happened, which is way nice. :)

I know earlier I said I totally felt okay with how Anthony and I left off but as the time went on it was just really unsettling for me. I didn't know what to do, so I just stopped talking to him. I would see him around but I wouldn't text him much unless he texted me. Our conversations wouldn't last long and I just didn't want to have much to do with him. One night he said that he and I needed to hang out because he was moving soon, the coming Monday (it was Friday night). I told him I was done with work for the day so he could come over and we could figure something out.

When he came over he was talking to my parents and I about his mission and gave them blessings. He really has changed over the past two years. He is really honest and more spiritual. :) I loved seeing the differences in him from when he and I first met to now. He just looks SO much different then he used to. It's the biggest change ever.

So my sisters came home and we went to Dennys for dessert, played basketball at the park then went back to my house so we could watch some videos Mark had sent me from his mission. :) After a while he said he better start going home so I walked him outside and he sat on one of the benches outside my house. I sat on the bench next to his and we talked like we always used to do after we hung out. It was really nice to be able to just talk to him. We talked about how everyone has changed and I told him some changes some people have made. He was surprised at some and not so much in the others. I think telling him how people have changed made me realize "Dang we did really change those last two years." It seems like such a short time compared to our life or eternity but we all change so quickly it's crazy! After we talked for a while we hugged and he left.

The next night we hung out was the last night he would be in town, he was moving away to college. So after church and everything else we were doing he came over to my house and we sat on my porch and talked again. We talked SO long, 4 hours. It didn't even feel like that long. This conversation though was more about what happened two years ago, which is what I really needed for closure. This time around though he told me what he was really thinking, which was somewhat what I already knew but more. What he really had to tell me was a lot nicer and easier to listen to then what he had told me. I felt better about everything after this conversation we had. It was just a relief to me I guess.
After this very long conversation with Anthony I felt better about my relationship with Mark if that makes sense. I felt like I had finally shut off that side of me wondering what went wrong, what I did wrong and I can more fully love Mark, which is a BIG relief. I've always loved Mark, don't get me wrong! But now it's just more complete, if that makes sense to anyone, I don't know, but that's the BEST it's going to get explained. :)

So Anthony didn't end up leaving on Monday, but the next morning. Packing took more time then he thought it would and I asked him if I could see him off. So after my jobs that night I went over to the house he had been staying at while he was back here and we talked again for 2 hours. We didn't talk about too much, just more about life and what we are going to do in the future-- careers and such.

Now that he finally went off to college I feel like I am okay with all the things that have happened in the past and how they are now. I was with Anthony for a long time before and he is one of my best friends now. He and I are really honest with each other and we understand each other. We are both a lot more mature then we were years ago, which is a big relief. He has changed SO much. It's crazy! I love seeing the changes in him and wondering what will happen to Mark while he is gone and if he will have the same type of transformation. :)

From our conversations I got a better understanding for what happened with me while he was gone and an explanation for the weird way Mark and I met. :) Anthony had gone on his mission and prayed that I'd find someone who would make me happy along with other things. He said a month later he was getting told I had a boyfriend. This just showed me that God definitely had a hand in Everything that happened that summer. He really is listening to our prayers and doing what is best for us. :) Now I just feel like Mark is that person that God sent to me to help keep me happy and to complete me. :) I know that sounds SO corny, but he really was God sent. :)  He is the biggest blessing I have ever had and I can never repay him for how he helped me that summer and the rest of our relationship. :)

So that's why I have been, what I feel, SO preoccupied this week. All that has been going on along with my two jobs and me striving to start a personal business. :) Life has definitely been crazy, but I know it's all worth it. :) I love Mark so much and I can't believe that he is real! I am excited and anxious to watch him change these two years and see how much different he is when he gets home. :) Heavenly Father is amazing and really has given me many blessings in my life, including Mark. :) Tonight I am going out with the missionaries in town to teach a lesson to a girl around my age. I am SO excited because I will get a taste of what teaching a lesson is like. :) I haven't sat in on a lesson since Anthony took the lessons! It will definitely be fun and I am anxious for it! :)

This week I have finally found peace with everything. :) Peace with life and knowing that I have made the right decisions. That even though I was hurt for a while Heavenly Father really has picked up my pieces and glued them into a masterpiece. :) I feel like I have been a lot happier and that life as I know it is surely going to be a lot brighter! :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

23 Month Anniversary! :)

Today, well technically yesterday :), was mine and Mark's 1 year and 11 months anniversary. :) I can't believe that in another month it will be our two year anniversary! :D How exciting. :)

I got a letter from him today. :) An absolutely wonderful one that totally made up for him not writing for two weeks. :) He is such a sweetheart and just makes me so happy. :)

I asked for some scriptures and he gave me a whole long page or more of scriptures and explaining them, testifying to me about the truthfulness of the gospel. I loved that SO much! If you knew Mark before he left you'd know he would not of been able to do that, but now it seems like he does it without much effort it just amazes me! He is changing, learning and growing in the gospel so much and I love it. :) He is turning even more into the man of my dreams. :)

When I got his letter I actually was SO excited because it has an SD card full of pictures and videos of just him on his mission. :) I loved it! SO much! He just  makes me so happy and I was SO excited to look at it all. :) He told me to look up a song so while I was waiting for the pictures to go onto my computer I listened to it and it just made me flat out bawl. The song is called What Are Words by Chris Medina and just everything that's said in it reminds me of Mark. He would call me his angel and tell me I'm never alone and that he'd keep me safe. :) Oh my gosh I am in love with this boy. :) He is turning SO much into the man I am going to marry and have for all eternity. :) He is absolutely amazing!

I'd always make him chicken alfredo. :)

The blanket I made him. :)

52 Reasons Why I Love You!

His desk with my picture, my sisters and his cousin. :)


I HAVEN'T DONE THIS IN FOREVER! A memory of us. :) Haha let me think!
I don't know if I have shared this memory on here or not but I am going to! :)
When I was making dinner one night at Mark's house his mom had moved and gone into her room and Mark had music blasting. When she left the room he turned on our song and then came over to me, grabbed my hands and started slow dancing with me. :) Oh my gosh that boy knew how to charm me! I had always wanted a guy to do that with me. :) I loved it OH so much. :)

I feel like I have shared that moment, so I think I'm going to share another one too. :)
For my birthday last year we weren't able to spend it together. Since it was also one day away from our first year anniversary it really was a bummer. I hated not being with him and hoped that he would show up at my door unexpectedly. :) Even though I knew that was a long shot I still wished it would happen. :) In the middle of the day the door bell rang and when I opened it ( I KNOW! In all wonderful romantic movies Mark would be there with roses, but that didn't happen.) there was a person with a bouquet of the most beautiful roses I had ever seen and some balloons that said Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary. :) I couldn't believe it! I loved it so much. :)

I'm forever keeping my angel close. :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

5 Month Vlog!

FULL update of what has happened the past five months and how I feel about it? I am SUPER excited about it actually being 5 months since he has gone. I can't believe how fast time really is going. Next thing I know I'm going to be at six months! I NEVER thought I'd get there or see that day! BUT it's coming and it's coming fast! :D That's super encouraging for me! :)

I think back to the days when I didn't think I'd ever wait for a missionary again or be waiting for Mark. Life has changed SO much for the better and I can't even believe it. :) Our relationship is SO much stronger and very much relies on the Lord and what he wants for us and our future family. :) The changes that have happened have ALL been revolved around what our Heavenly Father wants and I can see how these qualities we are both making in ourselves are VITAL for our relationship and one day our family. :)

This time being apart has strengthened our relationship tremendously. I can't even believe how much closer we have come and it's nice to see that he and I aren't growing apart, but closer together. :) TODAY! The 14th of June is actually our 1 year and 11 month anniversary! :) I still love him with all my heart and I am so glad that I started dating him a year and eleven months ago. :) Life is good! SO SO GOOD!

In my video I decided to put a "secret message" that I don't think is SUPER secret, but if you don't pay attention to the ending you will miss it. :) If you haven't watched it yet, go ahead and watch it now and see if you can find it! (The message is also in the description of my video) but I want everyone to get my message so I'm going to type it out so it makes sense (some parts don't totally make sense in the video). :)


How I feel about waiting for a missionary:

If you're waiting for a missionary:
STOP! There's no need to feel down. I said young man (or woman) get yourself off the ground, cause you're in a new town (or place of life) there's no need to be unhappy!
Cause these two years are a "thriller" and will go by so fast like "grease lightning".
When you're done waiting it will make you feel so good! Like ice ice baby! SO JUMP AROUND!

I get knocked down by other people, but I get up again! DON'T ever let anyone keep you down!

What is love? Don't hurt them! (Even if they're from Cotton eyed Joe? :) ) It aint no lie baby, don't say bye bye bye, even when it does get tough.
It might sound crazy but when you're having a hard time just shake it, shake it, shake it and get that dirt off your shoulder!
And in two years you will say "Let's get out of here!" BYE BYE BYE Waiting! :D

Here's to the next 19 months! Every day is one day closer! :D

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunshine Package!

I sent Mark a surprise package! :D It was a sunshine package. :) He said he really like it. OH and here is a picture of what I put on the RM 601 application I talk a bit about. He apparently laughed really hard and showed a lot of people. :)

What Reminds Me Why I'm Waiting :)

I finally got a good camera! :D YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! But I wanted to share good pictures of my ring and the plaque thing Mark left me. :) I love them both and I just want to show you good pictures of it and here we go! :)

This is on my Mark and Jennica pillow case. :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012


I know it's super late/early but I just wanted to post a little bit. Not much has happened since I last posted about stuff actually happening. I was just watching some of the videos that I have made since Mark left almost 5 months ago and my first thought "What will Mark think when he sees these?!" Haha. I told him that he will make fun of me and all he said to that was he will make fun of me out of love. :) Haha.

I feel like I have just been numb lately. Like a lot of people call it Imaginary Boyfriend Syndrome (IBS) and I think that's what I have had lately. Where I have felt like Mark is just an awesome guy I made up to tell other people that I have a boyfriend and to keep all the guys away from me. But tonight watching our Mother's Day call it just hit me that he is real. :) Tangible. He was with me a little over 5 months ago! Crazy right?! :) I just wanted to post saying that I still love him more than anything. He is my boyfriend. He is just as real as ever. :) AND He is absolutely everything I have wanted and is turning into something better. :) The Lord is molding my best friend into my husband and eternal companion. :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Missionaries and Girlfriends

Question: Is it good for a fellow to leave a girl behind?
Answer: Is it good for the sun to shine?

Have you ever heard of a mission call telling all missionaries to get rid of all girlfriends? Do you think that you could be a better missionary if she were there to help you. I think you could. Most of my best missionaries during the three years that I served left a girl behind. You notice that I said GIRL not GIRLS. There isn't time for more than one.

Of course the first duty i sto the Lord's work, which you have been called to do, second is to your family, and third is to the girlfriend. This you should always remember.

I always interviewed all missionaries as they entered the field and one of the questions i asked was, "Do you have a girlfriend at home?" If the answer was yes, I would say, "Can I have her name and address, and would it be alright if I wrote her a letter?"

Of course this would scare the poor fellow to death -- then I would bring the color back to his face by telling him I only wanted to write her a letter and tell her how lucky she was to have the opportunity to share this mission for the next 24 months with one of the Lord's chosen servants. If she is faithful, her testimony would become stronger in the gospel because of it... along with a little more advice that I will touch on later.

Young men, do not ask a returned missionary for advice on this subject, for if he has been "jilted" should we say he's giving out poor advice. Pray about this together and if you feel that you can do a better job then go ahead: there's nothing wrong with it. It is better to have support then got out there wishing that you had it. This is more frustrating than worrying about a "Dear John" and believe me, there won't be one of those if it's right in the beginning. The Lord always answers prayers to those who honor Him.

Have an understanding with your parents so they can encourage her and make your girl happy by showing they have faith in her and lover her. Let her parents know your plans and in most cases they will stand by her when she gets lonely. If you show them respect, as well as the girl, they will be behind you all the way.

Write her once a week or more. You can almost always write two letters a week on P-Days. There is plenty of time if they're not books. Tell her about your mission and experiences, let her live your mission with you through your letters, and send her a snapshot once in a while. Yes, you could let her make a scrapbook for you. Mom is not going to have time and your girlfriend would love that.

Remember that behind every successful man there is a good woman. So why shouldn't it be good to leave a girlfriend behind if you feel that she is special? Forget that old story 24 months is a long time. I have known girls to wait two or three years. Also forget the story that you will change a lot. You will only if you make yourself scarce in letters, etc. You will only change in the fact that you will be more mature and have a greater testimony and mind.

Now girls, make sure that you do things that will help you grow along with the missionary. Study the gospel; stay active in the church, pray often -- morning, noon, and night. Watch out for those lonely returned jilted missionaries. You're not in a hurry to get married. Write happy letters every week. Let him know that you still care. He will be looking for those letters if he is really busy during the week and on P-Days.

Yes you could send him a snapshot of yourself. He would love that. So what if you don't take good pictures -- anything will look good to him. You will be busy getting the education you need, working in and out of the church, learning to sew and all those lovely things, learning to cook fancy things, but most of all, just learning the basics. If the occasion arises and you feel as if you want to accept a date now and then, it's okay but again... BEWARE of those jilted returned missionaries. They are dynamite. Stay close to your parents.

Oh yes, there isn't any harm in leaving a girlfriend at home, if you're both determined to fulfill the mission together. It will not be the big job you think, but the happiest 24 months of both your lives. When you are both back together again, it won't be long before you are sure of each other because of your pure maturity. I can say these things because it happened to me, and I know of many others who have experienced the same great thing.

(I need to put on here that apparently this is not a real talk or anything like it is said to be, but I still like what it has to say. I have definitely seen waiting for a missionary happen and work. It has happened with many general authorities and in families I know in my life. So even though this is a "fake" talk, I still enjoy the support it gives. :) )

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Mmm I'm not sure how I am feeling today. It has been SO long since I have blogged it's ridiculous!

What all has happened? Well I guess I will just start with the basics! :)

I am getting used to Anthony being around. I have talked to him more about what happened with he and I and honestly it's a lot harder for me to let go then I had wanted it to be. I finally feel like I am going through a break up and it sucks because he and I were broken up over 2 years ago. Finally addressing the situation is honestly (excuse my language but it IS a place :) ) Hell. I feel now, though, with all the prayers and talks and just me yearning for some peace with the matter that I am finally able to overcome this speed bump in my road and continue forward with faith knowing I have made the right decision. I don't regret anything that has happened because it has made me the person I am and I feel like the person I am now is better, more humble, then the person I was. Sometimes God just has to tear you down and keep you there for a while to make you become more humble. It's during this time that we are torn down for repair that we need to keep the faith that the enhancements are coming soon, but they ARE coming.

Not TOO much has happened in this dry spell of no blogging. It's almost 5 months! I need to remember that I don't have 2 years to wait anymore, but I have a year and 7 and a half months. :) That makes me feel like time is actually going by!

I am trying to get into a habit of exercising and eating right. In my yearning for healthiness I have invested in 2 Jillian Micheals work out dvd's which, let me tell you now, make you sore for days! I haven't been that sore since I played basketball in high school. I am also taking a supplement called Vemma. If you haven't heard of it you should look in to it. :) It doesn't taste terrible at all and it's ALL of your daily values of essential vitamins and minerals that we aren't getting through foods anymore. I have a website for it if you want to look up more about it. There are energy drinks and weight loss drinks with it too that have the same Vemma formula in it. SO it's healthy energy drinks! :) I know, hard to believe right? If you are interested in the business portion of it also you can ask me and I will help you with that. :)

Okay enough of my business talk. :)

I'm excited for change. Sometimes change is good. :) I'm excited for college to start and to make new friends and start out in a new place. It shall be fun! So here's to the next year and 7 1/2 months and change! :D