“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Thursday, May 3, 2012


At one of my jobs, I am a chiropractic assistant where I work for a family owned business. The owners are members and are actually even in my ward. I get along really well with everyone in the office and I quite enjoy my job. :) BUT My boss is definitely a waiter hater...

For those of you who haven't come across a boss as a waiter hater before I will briefly explain what it is like.

It's like when you are little and you go to Sea World or somewhere where you see a big shark and go WOW because it is so amazing, but you know it can't get you because there's a thick thing of glass or a large distance between you and the shark (I have never been to Sea World, but this is how I imagine it. :) ). THEN when you start waiting for a missionary you somehow get stranded in the middle of an ocean where you are at the mercy of the shark. Some days he will be nice to you, another day he might knock your little sailboat around to rattle you up, then other days he takes a great big chunk out of your boat. Kinda like that. :)

ALRIGHT not really. :) My boss doesn't want to consume me alive, but he makes snide comments about me waiting. Since I am moving to college soon he goes, "You're going to get married in 12 months." yadda yadda yadda. THEN he had the nerve to tell me that "He is a loser. He isn't good enough for you." WHAT!



Me: "Well you don't know him at all so you really can't say that."

Seriously, the nerve of some people... I must tell you he is a big waiter hater because his own girlfriend got engaged like a month or so after he left on his mission.

But what is really ironic about this is that every time he nit picks me about it, it gives me even MORE of an incentive to wait for Mark. I will LAUGH out LOUD when I send him Mark and my wedding announcement. :) I am just waiting for that day! :) It will be niceeeeeeee. :)

But any of you reading this who have encountered these terrible sharks, just make them into a positive thing. Opposition makes you stronger. Maybe just smile and say "Well quality versus convenience is worth waiting for, don't you think." :)  BUT even if you don't say anything, don't let them get you down. They have their opinions for a reason, probably from either personal experiences, family experiences, or just lack of knowledge. Whatever their ignorance just smile and give them the benefit of the doubt and if they offend you let them know politely. :) Some people just really don't understand the power of love or that sometimes waiting is the BEST thing to do. :)

Stay strong! Because every day is one day closer! :)

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