“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Monday, July 23, 2012

Mind Over Matter

Today I went to band camp for a little bit (for all of you who don't know I am a super big band nerd. I was in it all high school and was drum major for the last 2 years-- in other words I love it. :) ). Today was the first day where all the new band members, guard members, new marchers, etc. come to learn music, fundamentals and to work out. I got there around the part where they were stretching outside and running. I decided to run with them even though I was in flip flops, just showing them that if they really want to do it they can no matter what condition they are in. If they don't give up they can do it all.

During the warm ups my old director yelled, "It's all mind over matter. If your body is tired tell it it isn't. Tell your body what's up!" I was just thinking how true that is with more than just exercising.

People who exercise a lot or constantly know that when you want something you have to get it. If you want that "perfect body" or quick time you have to achieve it and do what it takes to get it. You have to push your body to it's limit and then some. You run until your tired and then you run some more. This is where the "mind over matter" kicks in.

When I was running one of the girls came up and ran next to me and said, "When does your boyfriend get back?" Me: "A year and a half." She said, "I don't know how you do it."

It's simple-- mind over matter. Sometimes your body tells you you can't do something. Can't quit a habit, can't go without affection, can't go without a boyfriend and you have to tell your body what's up. You have to be able to say I CAN go without this habit, I CAN go without affection, I CAN go without a boyfriend.

A few nights ago I was feeling pretty defeated. "Two years is such a long time" "He is never coming back" "This is going to take forever" quotes that I'm sure if you're waiting for a missionary too have come across your mind a few times. When I feel this way I start to pray and ask for help. I then started thinking "I'm already a quarter done" "I have accomplished a lot, but not enough" "I have more work to be done, I can't mope around and watch everything go by me". During that prayer I realized that I can't sit around and watch these two years go by, if I take every opportunity for growth possible I will grow with him. He isn't sitting down giving up and I won't either. :) I remember that I love him and there are reasons we are going through what we are. He is where he is supposed to be and so am I. :)

I have always heard the quote "If you think you can, you will. If you think you can't, you won't".

This is what I'm using for the next two years. I CAN do this. I CAN get through all these trials I am going through. I WILL get through these two years and I WILL do it with style. ;) It's just all mind over matter. :)


  1. So you are pretty much my hero! My missionary just left 9 days ago and it's been really hard, but you always stay so positive and I love that. I also think it's awesome you were in marching band. I am the drum major of my marching band now and thats where my missionary I met 3 years ago when I was a freshman and he was a junior. I love reading your blog, thanks for being such an inspiration :)

    1. Yay! I am super excited for you! Being drum major was one of the best experiences I've ever had! 9 days?! AH that's crazy! It's super hard to begin with but you will get used to it and get into a groove with everything. :) Soon enough he'll be coming home! ;) If you ever need anything don't hesitate to message me on Facebook or anything like that. :)
