“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Saturday, July 14, 2012

2 Years :)

Today, July 14th, 2012 is Mark and my 2 year anniversary! :D Let's flash back to July 13th, 2010...

My 17th birthday! I'm so excited! I'm talking to a cute boy too, Mark, who said I had a surprise! I wonder what it is. :)

Text: Him- Are you ready for your surprise now?
Me- YES!!!!!

~Phone call from Mark~

OH MY GOSH! He is calling me! I've waited for a whole couple weeks for this! :D AHHHH!!!

Me: Hello? (OH MY GOSH His voice! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!)

*Later that Night*

Him: I have a question for you.
Me: Yeah? :)
Him: Will you be my girlfriend?
Me: Well I want to be really bad, but I want to see how we are in person tomorrow before we decide anything, to make sure that we aren't awkward or anything.
Him: I understand that. :) I am excited for tomorrow!

Sleeping that night was so crazy! I was so excited!

In the morning, my family set off for Utah really early. We planned to meet at the St. George Temple, I couldn't wait. I was so excited! :D When we got to the gorge, my tummy got butterflies. I was so excited and I just wanted to throw up... haha. When we drove up to the temple, oh my gosh. I got out of the car, I felt the warm air and it helped with my butterflies. It was literally so warm there! I lingered around the car for a little bit while Mom asked where he was. I was like "I don't know" so that gave me an excuse to call him and talk to him! :)

Me: Hey where are you?
Him: I just pulled in, I am walking over to the sidewalk.
Me: I think I see you. See you in a minute!

I started walking down the side walk, OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I saw him behind the truck, hmm.. Oh man there he is.
My thoughts exactly: Dang he is pretty cute. :) Not as tall as I expected but really cute. :) Aww...

Me: *awkward smile and a wave* Hey.
Him: *Awkward smile* Hi.
*Awkward hug*

Then the conversations started. :) Not much really, just how are you's and stuff of that sort. He walked with my family over to the St. George temple to take a picture for us and then we went to lunch at Jack in the Box. We got some Jack in the Box tacos. I remember thinking, Crap this is the last time I'm going to be around him and I haven't even held his hand or anything. So I grabbed his knee a little. :) He didn't respond so I felt really silly. Haha. My mom made plans for us to visit our friends and I got really excited because she said Mark could come with us. He asked if I could ride in his truck with him. GAH! She said yes, YES!!!!!! :D

Our first picture together at Jack-in-the-Box :)
The picture he took for us. :)

I don't remember exactly what was said in his truck but I remember seeing he had put his hand awkwardly by his side and I finally got the courage to grab it and hold it. :) SO glad I did. Haha one of us was nervous or something because our hands got really sweaty really quick. He asked me, "Dang is that your hand or mine?" Me: "I don't really know, it might be both." I stuck my hands in front of the cooler, "Do you not want me to hold your hand anymore?:) " Him: No you can. :)

So we finally got to our friends home and we walked inside and sat next to each other, we held hands covered by a pillow haha. :) We didn't think my mom would notice, well at least I didn't but she had lol. :) After our visit with family friends we had to say bye and I walked him to his truck and we stood out by it looking at each other. He said "So you haven't answered my question yet." Me: "What question was that?" Him: "Will you be my girlfriend?" Me: "Yeah. :)" We hugged again and I got in my car with my family and he drove away in his truck. I remember looking back and just like in awe. "Oh my gosh there he is. He is so cute. :) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The rest of that trip was amazing even though I didn't get to see him again I was like walking on cloud nine. I was so excited and just in a daze. :)

Waiting these two years for him kind of kills me yes, but this was the first and only time I got to see him for the next 5 months of our relationship. If I can make it 5 months with just talking to him and only seeing him once, I can make it 2 years off of the time I have had with him. We had gone through so much off of that one instance of seeing each other. We didn't kiss, make out, or anything. Just held hands for the time we could and hugged twice and that was enough physical contact to get me through the next 5 months. I can't even believe how he and I started our relationship. Just thinking about the small amount of time we got to know each other and then start dating was unreal. :)

Thinking about this day still makes me smile. I can still feel those butterflies in my stomach. I still feel the anticipation to see him while driving through the gorge. I can feel that smile on my face when I finally saw him in person. Remembering the first day I ever had with him just reminds me why I fell in love with him. That I don't have to have him here. I loved him then and I love him more now. :) It sounds crazy but I know he was sent to me and supposed to be in my life. He has been such a blessing these past two years and I couldn't of asked for a better companion for the rest of eternity. :)

I love you Mark and we are going to grow old together. :) No matter what I always want to be with you. The long time we have spent apart in just our dating life will allow us many years to be next to each other in our married life. I will be there holding your hand through the good times and the bad. :) I want to be there a part of your life for the rest of eternity. :) I love you. :) Thank you for all the times we have had together, good and bad. We have grown and learned together. Grown up and learned to love, what love really is and what it feels like to really be in love. I know that I love you. :) And I thank Heavenly Father everyday for blessing me with you. :) Make the next year and 6 months wonderful! I'm faithfully waiting for you! :) I love you! :)

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