“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Six Month Vlog! :)

Okay okay! I KNOW I am REALLY late on this, but at least I made it! :D Haha so sorry it took me SOOOOOOO long. :) But here is my vlog for 6 months! :) Enjoy! :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Mind Over Matter

Today I went to band camp for a little bit (for all of you who don't know I am a super big band nerd. I was in it all high school and was drum major for the last 2 years-- in other words I love it. :) ). Today was the first day where all the new band members, guard members, new marchers, etc. come to learn music, fundamentals and to work out. I got there around the part where they were stretching outside and running. I decided to run with them even though I was in flip flops, just showing them that if they really want to do it they can no matter what condition they are in. If they don't give up they can do it all.

During the warm ups my old director yelled, "It's all mind over matter. If your body is tired tell it it isn't. Tell your body what's up!" I was just thinking how true that is with more than just exercising.

People who exercise a lot or constantly know that when you want something you have to get it. If you want that "perfect body" or quick time you have to achieve it and do what it takes to get it. You have to push your body to it's limit and then some. You run until your tired and then you run some more. This is where the "mind over matter" kicks in.

When I was running one of the girls came up and ran next to me and said, "When does your boyfriend get back?" Me: "A year and a half." She said, "I don't know how you do it."

It's simple-- mind over matter. Sometimes your body tells you you can't do something. Can't quit a habit, can't go without affection, can't go without a boyfriend and you have to tell your body what's up. You have to be able to say I CAN go without this habit, I CAN go without affection, I CAN go without a boyfriend.

A few nights ago I was feeling pretty defeated. "Two years is such a long time" "He is never coming back" "This is going to take forever" quotes that I'm sure if you're waiting for a missionary too have come across your mind a few times. When I feel this way I start to pray and ask for help. I then started thinking "I'm already a quarter done" "I have accomplished a lot, but not enough" "I have more work to be done, I can't mope around and watch everything go by me". During that prayer I realized that I can't sit around and watch these two years go by, if I take every opportunity for growth possible I will grow with him. He isn't sitting down giving up and I won't either. :) I remember that I love him and there are reasons we are going through what we are. He is where he is supposed to be and so am I. :)

I have always heard the quote "If you think you can, you will. If you think you can't, you won't".

This is what I'm using for the next two years. I CAN do this. I CAN get through all these trials I am going through. I WILL get through these two years and I WILL do it with style. ;) It's just all mind over matter. :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

2 Years :)

Today, July 14th, 2012 is Mark and my 2 year anniversary! :D Let's flash back to July 13th, 2010...

My 17th birthday! I'm so excited! I'm talking to a cute boy too, Mark, who said I had a surprise! I wonder what it is. :)

Text: Him- Are you ready for your surprise now?
Me- YES!!!!!

~Phone call from Mark~

OH MY GOSH! He is calling me! I've waited for a whole couple weeks for this! :D AHHHH!!!

Me: Hello? (OH MY GOSH His voice! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!)

*Later that Night*

Him: I have a question for you.
Me: Yeah? :)
Him: Will you be my girlfriend?
Me: Well I want to be really bad, but I want to see how we are in person tomorrow before we decide anything, to make sure that we aren't awkward or anything.
Him: I understand that. :) I am excited for tomorrow!

Sleeping that night was so crazy! I was so excited!

In the morning, my family set off for Utah really early. We planned to meet at the St. George Temple, I couldn't wait. I was so excited! :D When we got to the gorge, my tummy got butterflies. I was so excited and I just wanted to throw up... haha. When we drove up to the temple, oh my gosh. I got out of the car, I felt the warm air and it helped with my butterflies. It was literally so warm there! I lingered around the car for a little bit while Mom asked where he was. I was like "I don't know" so that gave me an excuse to call him and talk to him! :)

Me: Hey where are you?
Him: I just pulled in, I am walking over to the sidewalk.
Me: I think I see you. See you in a minute!

I started walking down the side walk, OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I saw him behind the truck, hmm.. Oh man there he is.
My thoughts exactly: Dang he is pretty cute. :) Not as tall as I expected but really cute. :) Aww...

Me: *awkward smile and a wave* Hey.
Him: *Awkward smile* Hi.
*Awkward hug*

Then the conversations started. :) Not much really, just how are you's and stuff of that sort. He walked with my family over to the St. George temple to take a picture for us and then we went to lunch at Jack in the Box. We got some Jack in the Box tacos. I remember thinking, Crap this is the last time I'm going to be around him and I haven't even held his hand or anything. So I grabbed his knee a little. :) He didn't respond so I felt really silly. Haha. My mom made plans for us to visit our friends and I got really excited because she said Mark could come with us. He asked if I could ride in his truck with him. GAH! She said yes, YES!!!!!! :D

Our first picture together at Jack-in-the-Box :)
The picture he took for us. :)

I don't remember exactly what was said in his truck but I remember seeing he had put his hand awkwardly by his side and I finally got the courage to grab it and hold it. :) SO glad I did. Haha one of us was nervous or something because our hands got really sweaty really quick. He asked me, "Dang is that your hand or mine?" Me: "I don't really know, it might be both." I stuck my hands in front of the cooler, "Do you not want me to hold your hand anymore?:) " Him: No you can. :)

So we finally got to our friends home and we walked inside and sat next to each other, we held hands covered by a pillow haha. :) We didn't think my mom would notice, well at least I didn't but she had lol. :) After our visit with family friends we had to say bye and I walked him to his truck and we stood out by it looking at each other. He said "So you haven't answered my question yet." Me: "What question was that?" Him: "Will you be my girlfriend?" Me: "Yeah. :)" We hugged again and I got in my car with my family and he drove away in his truck. I remember looking back and just like in awe. "Oh my gosh there he is. He is so cute. :) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The rest of that trip was amazing even though I didn't get to see him again I was like walking on cloud nine. I was so excited and just in a daze. :)

Waiting these two years for him kind of kills me yes, but this was the first and only time I got to see him for the next 5 months of our relationship. If I can make it 5 months with just talking to him and only seeing him once, I can make it 2 years off of the time I have had with him. We had gone through so much off of that one instance of seeing each other. We didn't kiss, make out, or anything. Just held hands for the time we could and hugged twice and that was enough physical contact to get me through the next 5 months. I can't even believe how he and I started our relationship. Just thinking about the small amount of time we got to know each other and then start dating was unreal. :)

Thinking about this day still makes me smile. I can still feel those butterflies in my stomach. I still feel the anticipation to see him while driving through the gorge. I can feel that smile on my face when I finally saw him in person. Remembering the first day I ever had with him just reminds me why I fell in love with him. That I don't have to have him here. I loved him then and I love him more now. :) It sounds crazy but I know he was sent to me and supposed to be in my life. He has been such a blessing these past two years and I couldn't of asked for a better companion for the rest of eternity. :)

I love you Mark and we are going to grow old together. :) No matter what I always want to be with you. The long time we have spent apart in just our dating life will allow us many years to be next to each other in our married life. I will be there holding your hand through the good times and the bad. :) I want to be there a part of your life for the rest of eternity. :) I love you. :) Thank you for all the times we have had together, good and bad. We have grown and learned together. Grown up and learned to love, what love really is and what it feels like to really be in love. I know that I love you. :) And I thank Heavenly Father everyday for blessing me with you. :) Make the next year and 6 months wonderful! I'm faithfully waiting for you! :) I love you! :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

6 Months-- What I Have Learned :)

Haha here I am writing about 6 months a day late. :) But YESTERDAY WAS SIX MONTHS HE'S BEEN GONE! :D

I originally wasn't very excited about it. It was like "Cool... 6 months.... woooooopdeedoo... Another grueling 18 to go..." but when it was ACTUALLY the day I wanted to jump up and scream! :D (I have video footage which I will be putting together with an update. :) Late like usual. ;) ) I feel like A LOT of girls are just waiting for the first 6 months. Then they're like "Oh yeah I can do this." :)

I can't even BELIEVE it's been 6 months first off! It's like "Just yesterday he was still in Utah getting ready to get set apart." Everything has happened so quickly. I feel like I have accomplished So much and I love it! :)

In the first six months I have:

~Finished a semester of college.
~Saved enough money to pay for my first semester at Junior college.
~Worked two jobs.
~Made many friends, some of which I have a feeling I will talk to the rest of my life! :)
~Started packing to move out of my house for the first time.
~Gotten close to Mark's family.
~Planned part of our wedding. Haha. :)
~Spiritually grown.
~Become more confident in myself inside and out.

I could add SO much to this list! I have accomplished SO much and I still have 18 months to go! :) My favorite accomplishments I have made, though, have definitely been the spiritual growth and confidence in myself.

A little over four years ago I continued to go to church, but I made decisions and let things happen that shouldn't of happened. I let myself wander ever so slightly and eventually I was being pulled in. I made a lot of mistakes and I couldn't take any of them back. Looking back now I see how stupid I was. How dumb they all were and that now they mean nothing to me now. I had gone to my bishop about them, done everything I was "supposed" to do with all of it, but it still lingered in my life. I never completely let anything go. I have been looking for peace ever since.. I just wanted to find that equilibrium that I had when I was younger, I wanted to feel the Spirit in my life like I had. Since then I have prayed for comfort and peace, gone to my bishop, and just sincerely asked for forgiveness. I have realized that repentance is a process and is necessary but should be more of you and your Heavenly Father then the process.

I am a very systematic person, to where everything has certain things you do and then the other thing works. Like a recipe. A couple cups of flour and all the exact other ingredient and shabam you have a cake! I had always thought of repentance in this way-- Realize it, feel bad,  stop doing it, make it right, go to bishop if it's necessary, forgive others and yourself and shabam you're forgiven. But it's not totally like that. I have learned that there's a certain spirit you have to do it all with. I don't want to say I wasn't in the right spirit of repentance the first go around, but I wasn't always focusing on what I should have been. I should have changed some other things. Since Mark has been gone I have sincerely forgiven myself and others. I have felt that forgiveness and I can now feel the spirit in my life again in just my everyday. :) I feel so much happier and I know that Mark has helped me come along this way. :) Having this peace of mind now has given me so much more confidence in myself. I feel beautiful and happy. I feel like something someone should want. Before I was just like "Oh yeah I'm not totally ugly. There's so much I can change." Now I respect myself and SEE what Mark was telling me before. I feel beautiful inside and out and I have that confidence I have NEVER had before. It's such a wonderful feeling to have it, too. To go from no confidence in yourself to realizing what people had been telling you wasn't a lie. It's refreshing. :) I love it. :)

I can't believe I have made this type of transformation in 6 months. I went from one person who wasn't totally bad to someone who has the direction of the Holy Ghost, a wonderful relationship with my Heavenly Father and confidence in herself. I literally FEEL different and I love it. :) 

All these changes in just the first six months! I wonder what the next 18 will bring. :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Goals with a Smile :)

Oh email days, can I say I LOVE THEM!!

Mark just makes me smile. :) There is NO other explanation for it. What he says just melts my heart some weeks. :) Even though they aren't all perfect I just love hearing I love you. :) As long as I hear those three words, I can keep doing this waiting thing. :) He literally makes me tear up. :) The weeks seem like they are getting longer and harder to endure, but he keeps me going. :)

The end of his email this week said this, "Anyways i just want you to know i love you sweetheart. And i dont care that your tall.  Thats stupid,  people who just marry someone because they have a perfect body are ______'s  and ______.  ( you can fill those in lol)  Honestly i could care less if you are tall or short, skinny or fat. All i care about is whats on your insides.  and those insides are good gosh dangit!.   I love you jenn and thats all that matters.  i need to go though and hurry and write my other emails.  I LOVE YOU!! :) :X:X:X:X:X:X:X" If you didn't know, I am over 6'1" AND I have definitely been bugged about it my entire life. It's been something I've been told to be proud of and something I've been self conscious about my entire life. (I should count how many times a day people tell me I am tall, you would probably be surprised.) ANYWAY when I started dating Mark, who isn't as tall as me -- a couple inches shorter, he started getting crap about my height, yeah like that makes me feel better lol. But anyway I love that he said this. :) I don't know where the heck it came from, I don't remember mentioning my height anywhere.. I'll have to re-read my letter or something, but this just gives me more confidence in myself. :)

My thoughts tonight... I feel like I am trying too hard to fit in. I hate it. I am trying to make friends before I go to Utah and I feel like I really have, I have one really good girl friend that I hope I will be roommates with, but other than that, I feel like I've been struggling to fit in or something, which is weird for me because I have always been included. Kind of a reverse in roles I guess and it's weird. But tonight I have decided and made a goal that I will just be me. No more trying to fit in or doing certain things or promising other things just to have friends. I am just going to do me and if they wanna stick around awesome. :) I love people, but other than that I'm good. I need to shorten my Facebook time... I think I will stop going on there so often and focus on the more important things in life. I think I will stop visiting my "Waiting for Missionary" sites every day five times a day and focus on my life. Hopefully that will help this dragging time pick up. :) So those are my goals and I'm going to stick to them. :)

A memory of us: :) Before we were really serious and dating we both had goals that in our marriages divorce wasn't an option. As we have grown closer and more serious to the point to now we want to get married we have been by each others side. No we haven't always been next to each other [that would have been nice :)] But we've just always known that the other person was there no matter what. We have stuck by each other through some of the hardest things some couples never face and we have made it out stronger. I love him more and more everyday. :) In his email today he sent me a video link that just made me tear up and cry. :) I love him so much! He's turning into that man I've always dreamed of and more. :)

I will NEVER give up! :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

My Life is on HOLD? Where? Please Enlighten Me..

Sometimes on the many Facebook pages of the Waiting for Missionary world I see a post that says "Dating while your missionary is gone is totally essential and definitely needed." But I wonder if this is what they REALLY think. Do they see that there is another side to them then just trying out the waters.. I TOTALLY understand why one girl might feel that dating is essential. I mean look at me, the first time around I dated and now am waiting for a different missionary, but dating is not ESSENTIAL for me now. I have dated before I should have and for so long I feel and now I am focusing on that ever needed and super important relationship with my Heavenly Father.

I believe in life everyone is at different stages, which we all know and only YOU and your Heavenly Father know where you're exactly at. SOMETIMES YOU don't even know where you're exactly at. Some people need to date other people and test out the waters and some just need to live life!

My life has been so fully of boyfriends, them telling me what to do and what not to do that I just want to focus on me and becoming better. YES I STILL have one, but he is gone at the moment being perfected into the person my Heavenly Father wants him to be. :) So why shouldn't I let Him mold me too? Mark doesn't have to date around to become that person so why should I? I don't think you need to date around to see EVERY different quality in every guy and decide what you want. You date and if it doesn't work out great, you learned from it. The next relationship you get in, if there is something you don't like then fine get out of it and continue, but I don't think that looking for that "perfect" guy with all these "perfect" qualities will work out totally. Not saying it wouldn't because it could. Anything is possible. :) But I just remember a lesson in Young Women's we had once where the ladies in there said "There will be at least 10 things you don't like about your husband and while you're dating you just have to pick which 10 things you can put up with for the rest of your life." I totally agree with this. Yes there are some things about Mark that bug me but I get over them. He isn't totally perfect, but the things that aren't perfect about him I have learned to love or just forget all in all. :) I have learned that once you get to know someone and truly LOVE the person they are then you can let go certain things that bug you and learn to love them for them. That's what I've done and Mark has truly become a perfect person to me. :) To some other girl he isn't perfect but since I've learned to sincerely fall in love with him I don't see his flaws but I see and love his strengths. :) I think THAT is what is most important. To find someone you sincerely love to the point where you don't see their flaws anymore. You love who they are and you can't see yourself with any other guy. I honestly CANNOT see myself with anyone else.

It is not a shame to not date. It's not at all and I hope some girls reading this will realize that it is okay to not date even though some girls say it is essential. If you feel like it's right then do it. That's what you should do! You might just find that other person. But if you don't feel like you should date, aren't ready to or anything of that sort for any reason at all don't feel like you SHOULD or HAVE TO. Some people say "You're putting your life on hold" if you don't date. Well is your life ONLY about guys? Is your life SO revolved around a boyfriend or a relationship status that you are putting your entire life on hold to not date while someone you care about is gone? I'm sorry but I think there is more to life then just a relationship status. I KNOW there is more and there are more relationships that I need to strengthen before I get married to anyone. I don't need to date while Mark is gone, but this doesn't mean my life is on hold. My life is better then it has been in years and I am not actively going on dates with anyone.

Some girls say "There is always that IF" that my missionary "Still might not be the one, it's always a possibility." Let's just say that for one slight second you're correct, well I don't see whats wrong with learning how to cook instead of having someone buy me dinner. What guy is going to complain if their girlfriend or wife can cook like a beast and bake like Betty Crocker?! I don't know a man that I'd be interested in who would find me having a strong relationship with my Heavenly Father unattractive. I don't know a guy who wouldn't like their wife to have a strong testimony of their faith. I don't know a guy who wouldn't like their future spouse to know how to mend clothing or make their own clothing. I couldn't imagine a guy who wouldn't like an educated spouse who can help support their family in case he couldn't do so. If a guy wants a family, wouldn't he want someone who is good with children and has experience teaching and taking care of such special spirits? What guy doesn't want a girl who is going to work and saving money for her future. Last time I checked it was a good thing to make and save money. If waiting and not dating while he is gone is putting your life on hold then please tell me where my life is on hold. You don't NEED to date to gain any of the qualities I have mentioned. :) My DATING life might be on hold, but I don't see a problem with the things I am doing while my missionary is gone. I'm not dating but I am STILL becoming a better person. :)

I am a firm believer that for some girls, yes dating is important and essential. :) Go for it! Go date them all and become the person you want from that! Learn from your experiences and don't leave any regrets. But if you aren't dating or don't want to, then don't. You don't have to or need to. If you KNOW with all your heart that your missionary is THE guy for you and you don't have any desire to date there are MANY other aspects in life that you can attend to. :) There's no shame in that. :)