“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Life is So Short

I felt like this blog post was and is necessary- I really just want to write about my Dad.

As some of you know, my Dad passed away on Saturday night or Sunday morning.

What happened: My family and I went to Provo (I moved out so I hadn't been home for at least 2 weeks). He didn't want to come to the wedding we were attending so he stayed home with his friend who would check on him and make sure he got his medicine for night time and everything. On Sunday his friend went to check in on him and couldn't get him to answer the phone or door, the doors were locked so he called my mom and asked for a way to get into the house. She gave him the passcode to the garage and when he called back he let her know that my step dad was sitting in his recliner- cold and not responding. She told him to call the paramedics, who later confirmed him gone and removed his body. We were all in Provo while this was happening and couldn't really do anything, even if we were in the same town.

My dad, well what can I say more. He was my dad. My mom and he got married a little over 10 years ago. My parents were divorced when I was 4 so Bob was the only dad I knew, he was the one who was actually a dad to me.

When they first got married I remember living in a house with him and in the mornings we would climb into my parent's bed and he'd tickle us and we'd play around in the morning. It was so much fun to have him around. He was laughing a lot. Just all the time and he'd make us laugh too.

He taught me discipline. There were SO many times I disliked him SO much to where I just didn't want to be around him. But that's what good parents do right? He helped teach me how to work and be the person I was.

He introduced me to hunting and fishing. I loved going quail hunting with him. I remember one time I shot really well and got three or more birds in one shot. I loved shooting and target practicing. Fishing was so much fun too. I didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I did, but I loved it. He always had this rule-- you do NOT throw back the first fish you catch of the day or else you won't get any more the rest of the day. I know kind of a taboo silly thing. :)

I remember during the summers I'd go into the garage and he'd be working on his project. A Willys Jeep he was working on scratch. I'd help him with each little parts he was working on and I felt like sometimes I really helped a lot. :) After he finally got it running he'd take us out on it and we'd just go for a Jeep ride. He would take us out on his four wheeler too and I loved those rides. He'd let us drive too, which of course was such a big deal and so cool. :) After I got my permit he taught me how to drive stick shift. Before I left to college not too long ago he let me drive the Jeep and I'd say I was pretty dang good at it.

My dad would get up early and cook breakfast or make awesome dinners. He'd usually make a meat of some sort, fried potatoes and another vegetable. His potatoes were just the best. I remember when I started experimenting with recipes I made a Cajun chicken pasta and I had put red pepper in it and he said, "It's good but it's making me sweat like a dog!"

He would plant a garden and get so excited of the fruits and vegetables he'd get off it. He was so good with them too. He'd roadertill the entire backyard and he used to say that we grew rocks because of the amount of rock he'd take out of the ground.

He transformed our outdoors. Our front yard went from what looked like a grave of rocks to grass everywhere with rose bushes and a water fountain (which would freeze in the winters and he thought it looked so cool -- it did look really cool and it was even in the paper once).

When I first started making trips to Utah or driving he'd say, "Jennica if you ever get into trouble I WILL come and get you. No matter where I am I will get you." He wanted me to stay safe and he said he couldn't bare the thought of something bad happening to me or one of my sisters.

I have so many memories with him- ten years worth. My last memories of him was him coming with my family to drop me off at college. He gave me my school blessing and when I went to leave he gave me the biggest hug and started just crying so hard. He was so sad I was leaving and I just promised that I'd visit often. When I found out I had a job on my way up there I called him to let him know- I didn't want him hearing from anyone else! :) He called me so many times that day and I am so glad that he did. :) He came with my family to see everything and drop more stuff off. I just can't believe that was the last time I'd ever see him...

He should have had such a longer life ahead of him, I don't know why Heavenly Father decided now to take him from this Earth. I can't believe that everything he had to do was gone because I had so many plans for him! Hah that sounds selfish, but I wanted him to see me graduate college and become successful. I really wanted him there at my wedding and I mostly wanted him to be my kids grandpa. He was a really good grandpa to his grandkids who are alive now. Gosh what I would do for one last hug. But I know that this was his time to go. I don't understand it fully now but I know I will understand maybe a few years from now.

Dad- I love you so much. You always did so much to keep us safe and smiling. I know things got tough there for a while but we always pulled through it somehow. Thank you for all the work you did for us. You were one heck of a dad. I will always hold a place in my heart for you. I love you. I'll make you proud, I promise. I am so glad that I am sealed to you. You loved my mom so much-- I know you did and always have. Thank you for treating her good and giving her the companionship she really needed at that time. Even though your time isn't here anymore I know you passed happy, smiling, and loving all of us.   

I love you. Until I see you again.
Your daughter, 

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