“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Sunday, September 30, 2012

8 Months! :)

I know my eight month mark was almost a month ago, but I just wanted to share some thoughts I had on it.

The eighth month came faster then the others, but because I was so preoccupied. I moved to college right after the 7 months and so this has been my first full month out of my parent's house and in my own apartment. :) The third week of me being gone my step dad passed away, as many of you can see, and that has been one of the hardest trials I have had to overcome. In the beginning it was really hard for me to accept that he was gone and not coming back. But after you get over that it's easier because we know what lies ahead of them. We know that there is more to this life then just the earth life. I KNOW I am sealed to him and that if I keep my covenants here on Earth I will be with him and the rest of my family forever. :)

It's these simple truths we learn in primary that carry us through our life. Those simple principles that there is a Heavenly Father that loves us and He knows the best for us, there is more to life then the Earth life and ideas of that nature that helped me overcome this loss in my Earth life. These ideas and a lot of prayer have helped me see that there is a bigger picture for all of us. That He is in control of our lives and whatever goes on happens for a reason. He doesn't want us to hate life or be in a terrible pit for eternity, or let us die and nothing come from life and the trials we overcome or face here. There is a reason for everything and though we don't understand it now, we will be able to more fully understand as we grow and mature physically and spiritually.

All of this happening has helped me see that I am a strong person. I can overcome these trials with a lot of prayer and my family and friends. It has given me a sense of more independence then I have ever had. Yes it would have been nice to have someone behind me every step of the way holding me and helping me, but when I needed it most those who really truly cared came to help me and be with me. It has helped show me who really cares for me and my welfare. It has also helped me gain that stronger relationship with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know that He was there holding me through this entire time-- when I cried He was there. He comforted me through the toughest parts of grieving and he still comforts me every day as He always has.

It has given me a new respect for missionary work. My step dad got taught the gospel from a couple missionaries who had stayed in contact with him his entire life. They were there at his funeral-- one flew all the way from Canada to be there for our family. There is a love and connection that missionaries grow with the people they serve and those friendships can and will last for eternity. I love that Mark is serving the people of Georgia and I see how he is growing to love the people he is serving, which is one of the greatest gifts of missionary work-- service to our fellow men.

I love this gospel and I am proud of Mark and every other missionary for teaching it to those who haven't heard this precious word. I have a testimony of it. This gospel is the one true gospel on the Earth today, I am lucky to have it in my life. :)

Here is to the next 16 months! :)

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