“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Give It All You've Got, Then Give It Some More

This month was definitely THE hardest most trial provoking month ever. Honestly...

As you know I moved to college and I got so lucky by getting some really awesome and amazing roommates, money was working out, I got a job automatically, I was safe and everything was going pretty much perfectly. The second week of being gone, my step dad passed away and I was so distracted and I wasn't able to focus in classes. That week was all my test days. I didn't pass one of them with a good grade... we won't go in to details haha. But I am just trying to keep it together!

I went to meet with my bishop tonight (he called me in to give me a calling) so now I have a calling and got a blessing from him. He finally knows what all has gone on and I am glad for that. I haven't been too vocal about it with people around me because I don't want them treating me differently then they should. My roommates all know, but they needed to know and are close to me. But other then them and just Mark's family up here not too many people know.

I have learned a lot though.. I have learned that the people who genuinely care for you will make an effort to talk to you when something terribly wrong goes on in your life. They will show you that they care. I have learned all about life. It is short and we need to make the time here count. When I see my step dad's funeral paper with his birth date and his passing date it makes me sick... I think that when he was born and passed are not important-- it is what is in the middle that matters the most. Nobody will really remember your first day or passing, they will mostly remember those good memories you made together, the times you enjoyed each other or just being with the other. I just remember all the times he and I shared a laugh and agreed on something. I love him and will miss him.

This month went fast! That's for sure! I feel like I just got done writing about last month and it has been another month passed! Crazy right?! But in the end, life is good. I know that Satan is always there trying to bog me down and I am not going to let him do that to me. I think that I just really want to tell anyone, if anyone is reading this, that there are times when you feel like you can't keep going on. Like there is nothing else in you to give. But get up and keep going! You can find the strength in you to keep on going, I found it. It is mind over matter. Your mind and the world might be telling you you can't but you have to show them that you are more then that. You are made up of something great and brilliant and that nothing anyone can do or say is going to stop you from being something wonderful and achieving something genius! You just have to get up and do it.

Here's to the next 16 months! :D

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