“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Monday, October 22, 2012

9 Months

Wow! It's been OVER 9 months now! Almost 10 and I still haven't written! :)

This last month, I'm not going to lie, has pretty much been one of the hardest we have gone through-- and I say we because it was particularly trying for Mark and I.

His mission has been hard, like every mission gets I know. He is learning so much and growing and still changing into a better man. :)

For anyone out there reading this wondering about the whole "waiting for a missionary" experience, I am going to tell you right now it's not all rainbows and butterflies after the first 6 months. It gets tough. You know how you are excited to turn 16 to get your license and 17 is like a "filler" year for the year before 18. Well that's how I feel with these in between 6 months to 12 month marks. It's been so aggravating! Haha but time is going by pretty fast. :)

Our mail got really messed up the past few weeks. So I didn't get a letter for two weeks! The letter I had gotten at the beginning of this month wasn't too happy because well he is on his mission and going through a lot of change, it's not easy and I am really glad he told me what was going on in his mission and in his head. (Communication is EVERYTHING while he is gone) So those 2 weeks I was really anxious to hear from him. This is where you learn the talent of keeping yourself distracted really well while you know he isn't doing too awesome... It sucks not being able to really do anything about it either. I just wanted to call him on the phone and make him smile like I used to be able to. It was so hard knowing that I couldn't do that, under any circumstances -- there was literally nothing I could do about it.

I finally received one of my letters, where he explained himself with the Me Going on a Mission thing and I was really glad to hear his explanation. I think that's the number one thing that was straining so much this month. It shouldn't be but it's stressful knowing how everything you thought would happen would be held off for 6 months to maybe a year.

I think what is most important though is that he and I are good now. :) I got his letter and I think he will be receiving mine soon, I hope so! It's nice knowing that we got through a hard month. It was one of the most straining and I feel accomplished getting through it because I didn't give up because everything wasn't dandelions and rainbows. We stuck through it all and now we are fine. :)

I still love him more than anything and can't imagine being with anyone else in my life. I am excited that time is still going by so swiftly! As of today only 81 more days until he has been gone a year! :D Ahhhh! Well here is to the next 15 months! :)

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