“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Monday, October 8, 2012


As many people know General Conference this year was particularly interesting and life changing. Not only were inspirational words about this wonderful gospel were said, but the age of female missionaries allowed to serve a full time mission is now 19.

Ever since this announcement my head has been spinning! I have ALWAYS wanted to serve a mission. Ever since I was young! I didn't think I would get to though because before I turned 21 I was going to be married to Mark, so I never really worried about it. But now I could go before he comes back. Granted we are a few months past the 6 month point, meaning I wouldn't be here for his homecoming (like I've been dreaming of since almost 9 months ago). I have no idea what I am going to do.

I have prayed about it, but feel like it is solely my decision. I am worthy, have the money and means to go, but I just don't know what to do. It's scary- actually thinking about filling out the paperwork and getting endowments done to teach the gospel, but it's exciting all the same! I want to help in spreading the gospel more then I have. I want to get out of where I am comfortable in Utah and Arizona and have a real big change. I just don't know what to do.

I think it makes it a bit harder, because the prophet still doesn't say that all worthy and able females should go on their mission like they do with males. It's like "It's not a bad thing at all, it's a really good thing, but it's your decision." I don't feel obligated to go or not go. I don't feel like I should or shouldn't. I just am right in the middle where I think it'd be a fun experience, but scary at the same time.

I want to be able to know first hand what Mark went through. I want to have some of the same experiences. Of course our experiences would be totally different in ways, but similar in the fact that we'd be teaching the gospel and learning how to better serve our fellow men. He would have to wait a minimum of 6 months to a max of a year for me to get home. He'd be able to see first hand at what life is like in the "real world" if you will, waiting for someone. Then he might be able to better understand my feelings and emotions during this time I've been waiting for him so faithfully.

I don't want to do this to be away from him any longer then I have to be. I don't want to extend this period of time that I can't see him from the already long 2 years to maybe 2 and a half or 3, but I feel like I have such an opportunity and I want to be able to take it. I feel like I might be ungrateful for this wonderful revelation in our times not taking advantage of it while I can. I don't want to stay in Utah/ Arizona and not go around and see some of the world. I feel like I would be missing out on so many chances to get out and learn and see more about life-- maybe I'd appreciate mine more.

I want to get that deep connection with my Heavenly Father, more then I already have. Christ is my brother and best friend. I want to serve others the way He has served me.

I emailed Mark about it today and the response wasn't excited or sad. I think it's hard for him to digest. He's been used to the thought of me being home when he is home and I think the thought of me not being here when he's home isn't something he likes all that much. He said he'd support me and that he'd wait for me. Now I guess I feel like how he felt-- wondering if the other would wait. It's scary. Thinking that I've waited for so long on him to come home (almost a year now) and if he came home and for some reason didn't wait that 6-12 months for me to get there. What would I do? I know a lot of mission presidents make it a point to push the missionary to get married quickly after he gets home, so that thought kind of scares me. My mom says that if Mark is the one for me that he'd wait for me to come home. I believe that. It really does take character and discipline to wait so faithfully for someone. I don't know if many of the other girls who send out missionaries think this, but I know when Mark left and even still currently today I think, "Would he wait for me like I've waited for him?" I had asked him this before he left and he said he would and I trust that he would.

It's so crazy having the roles reversed. I wish he and I could really talk about it. I think that would be great, but you can't always have what you want right? I'm going to go talk to my bishop about it really soon so he can give me guidance and I can pray more about what I should do and when I should do it.

Who knows! Maybe this time next year I'll be almost done with my mission. :)


  1. your post was totally what has been going on in my head! espeically the part where you said "would he wait for me " y missionary has been out and he would wait for me and my mom said the same thing.its scary, Only heavenly father knows what he has in store and who for us.

  2. Exactly. :) I am glad that He is in charge and knows what He is doing or else everything would be so crazy!
