“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Family Support

I had THE most awesome experience a couple weeks ago with my mom. :) And I wanted to share it with this blog. :) It was around 1:00 a.m. when I finally got home from working at Sonic and my mom was still up, she couldn't sleep. So I sat in her room and really talked to her about my life. I haven't done that in FOREVER! I was just talking to her about how I love Mark and how we are planning on getting married and stuff. She had just found out that day or week that that was the plan. She definitely didn't react the way I thought she would at all! Which is awesome! But anyway, I was telling her how Mark is scared that I won't wait for him. She promptly says, "Well if you don't wait for him you better have a good reason and call me and talk to me about it first." I WAS IN TOTAL SHOCK! :D

Before Mark left she let him know that she will help me wait for him, that she will support me and everything. :) I am SO glad that she supports me this time. :) The first time around she would hug me and support me, but I knew she didn't want me to end up with him, but this time she really doesn't mind me waiting at all. :) She's being really supportive and it is such a big difference it is unreal. When you have your families support in your decision to wait, nobody can fill that gap. It's like you aren't alone and you have other people watching your back. :)

I have been really planning Mark and my wedding, getting pictures of ideas I have and such even though our wedding isn't for another couple of years and I am getting really excited. :) When I showed my mom these she didn't say anything against it at all and that made me really happy. :)

I had been praying really hard for some confirmation as to whether Mark is the right guy for me to marry or not. I hadn't gotten that really strong confirmation and I definitely got that confirmation that night I talked to my mom. It's wonderful how the Lord answers our prayers. :) I am happy and excited for the time he comes home. :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

3 Month Video/Vlog!

I made my 3 month video finally! :) I wanted to do something different for my monthly updates than sit there and talk about the month. Plus this month really doesn't have any highlights. SO I did this instead. :) Let me know what you think! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it/laughing at myself. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D81BqgfsxM&context=C4d4231cADvjVQa1PpcFPW7ePXaKhTzgYCiMCfEf1quEl93vxgbdQ=

Monday, April 9, 2012

Define Waiting

I went to FHE for the single adults tonight and the lesson absolutely applied to my situation right now and I wanted to share it. :)

The teacher was talking from the talk from last conference by Robert D. Hales about Waiting for Christ. I'm not exactly sure how accurate I am but that's what I remember her saying. :) Anyway she continued to talk about the definition of waiting:

"Waiting is defined as anticipation. Waiting for someone is hoping they will come back to you or to look forward to eagerly." I loved hearing her talk about waiting like this because how true is it! We are waiting for our boys in anticipation for their return. We have faith that they will return to us and hope that they return back for us. :) We want them to come back for us! This just gave me a whole new perspective on waiting. :) I like this perspective more! I'm not just waiting for my boy to come back, I have faith that he will return to me and I am waiting eagerly for his return so we can be sealed together forever. :) 

I love this gospel. :) I love Mark. :) I am anticipating him coming back through my door again. I can wait for him! I'm gonna do this! 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Desireable Qualities

AH! I haven't posted in quite a while! Not too much has happened. Just trying to not let life sweep my off my feet!

Mark is still super sweet and just doing the best he can on his mission. :) I'm so proud of him and I love him so much. He has been having a hard time in Georgia, but he and I both heard a lot that Georgia would be a tough mission. I think it's really good for him though. He was having a bad day and telling me about it, but when I got a letter from him that week he said he was sorry for telling me everything bad that was going on and probably freaking me out and that he prayed for a very very long time (Like half an hour) and God helped him feel a lot better about everything and just comfort him. :) OH MY GOSH am I SO glad that God's got my back in this. :) I love that he is changing into a stronger person. I love this so much! He is reminding ME to pray and read scriptures. :) I had never really been in a relationship before where my boyfriend was so adamant about me reading and praying and such, but I love this. :) I no longer feel like I am the only one trying to keep up with the gospel portion of the relationship. (NOT that he never kept up with the gospel portion. :) He would sometimes just break out the scriptures and we would read together. :) ) :) This is DEFINITELY an attractive feature though!

SO I don't know how many of you really read my posts on here, but if you do I want to encourage you and to challenge you to do something that has helped me throughout the years. When I was 12 in Young Women's we made a list about qualities we want in a future husband. :) NOW I must admit I have some qualities that DON'T matter like good looks and such, but I do have a lot of important qualities, one of which are serving a mission. :) BUT I have found this to really help. I don't mean to be shallow and expect every guy to meet EVERY expectation, but just have the MOST important qualities like a worthy priesthood holder and stuff like that. When I look back at the most important of these qualities I see that Mark has them. :) And he even has the ones that really don't matter like good looks. :) But that's my advice and story for today!

If any of you need advice or help with anything let me know! :D I'm all for helping anyone!

My Trip to Utah Video! :D

My video about what went on during my first and second trips to Utah (all compiled into one) since Mark has been gone. :) <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV5vK9rq-Fc&feature=plcp&context=C4e2ef3aVDvjVQa1PpcFP_AbemskFl25I4ju6tMKaygxQI8jTZAIg%3D> ENJOY! :D