“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

25 Months on Eternity

Today is Mark and my 25 months. :) He is now my longest relationship haha. :)

I don't know how to make this a special post about him and I. :) I just really love him. :) REALLY! I DO! :)

I guess some people might ask why I still love him after being away from him so long. It's just something you know. I know I am still in love with him because I think of times I used to be with him and it makes me smile so much. :) I remember waking up to him beside me and I just love him so much. :) I made a "missing him" slideshow last night and I just love this guy. :) SO let's do 25 reasons why I love him. :)

25- He's cute haha. This doesn't make me love him but it definitely is fun for eye candy! :)
24- His family. They are awesome and make me feel like one of the family already. :)
23- His smile. :)
22- Assures me everything will be okay. :) Even though I know that everything USUALLY will be okay, I just really like hearing it.
21- He was always willing to help. :)
20- Could joke around with me and not get mad. :) We had the same sense of humor.
19- When we spent time together we wouldn't have to be doing anything special but spending time with each other. :)
18- He took me on some kind of adventures haha. Like climbing a big building and other things that I'd normally not do on my own.
17- He'd talk about me all the time, even to his family and friends when I wasn't around. :) I've never had anyone make me feel the way he's made me feel. :) Special and important. :)
16- Whenever I was upset he'd comfort me. :) I remember when we were watching The Help and when I got upset he put his arm around me and comforted me. :)
15- How we were so playful together. :) Haha it STILL makes me laugh thinking of what he'd do that would crack me up. :) It sounds terribly disgusting but he'd like pin me down and lick my face. It was totally gross but just made me laugh like none other haha. :)
14- He likes my cooking, even though I'm not the best cook in the world he just ate anything I'd make really. :) That made me feel good. I loved being able to make food for him. :) Made me feel like I was doing something good. :)
13- He doesn't just talk, actions speak louder than words and when he wants something he goes out to get it.
12- His kisses. Who doesn't like to be kissed?! :)
11- His hugs. Oh my gosh I just loved being wrapped in his arms. :)
10- We have the same religious views. :)
9-The way he'd look at me. :) I can't even describe it. He'd look at me straight in the eye and just smile that wonderful smile. :) Gah... I love him. :) Butterflies. :)
8- He makes me feel safe. No matter where I was or what I was doing I felt like he'd be there in seconds to be there for me.
7- He is SO honest with me. Some guys would have NEVER told their girlfriends some of the things he's told me. Some people are like "Well you never know he could be holding things back from you." And I'm just thinking, "If he was holding stuff back he wouldn't have told me what he has already. He is very open with me and I love that. :)
6- He supports me in my hopes and dreams. :) He wants me to do my best in whatever I do. :) So this is another reason why I'm supporting him on his mission so much. It's something he wanted to do and I want to be there for him as support. :)
5- He wants a family SO much. Family to he and I are so important. We love our families and want to make a loving and caring family together. :) He loves kids just as much as I do and I just couldn't imagine not having a baby with him. :) Hah Oh cute moment I remember! I tried to get him to hold this baby I was holding in church one Sunday and he wouldn't do it. I asked him why later and he said, "I don't know why but I just feel like I am going to break them." Gah. :) I thought this was so cute. :)
4- He has the same values I have. These are SO Important to me and it makes me feel good that other people have the same views on relationships, drugs, alcohol and other questionable subjects.
3- We are comfortable around each other. :) I can have regular body functions and be around him without thinking about if I look okay or anything of the sort. :)
2- Tells me I am beautiful. :) Nobody can make this up, it really helps to hear that someone thinks that you are beautiful. :)
1- The number one reason I am in love with him is he loves me for me. :) I had a relationship where sometimes I wasn't sure if I had such a great relationship but I KNOW that Mark loves me for me. :)

He's just awesome. :) Yeah I think that's it. :) Happy 25 months honey bun. :) I love you so much and to this day I am in love with you! :)

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