“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Friday, December 20, 2013

He's Home!

He is home! :D 
He has been home for a day over a week now and I just wanted to blog about how everything has been going. :) 

The night he came home! I don't know if any of you have stayed up on our story, but I wasn't supposed to find out when he was really coming home. But someone who somehow became in the know about the date told me when he was coming. Therefore I knew when he would be home. :) When that day came OH MY GOSH I was freaking out. I got ready about noonish and just sat and waited. Every knock at my door I freaked out a little inside. It finally became 9:00 and I had had enough of waiting for him to come, I kind of got a little cranky! (I feel bad now. haha) My roommate got us playing a card game and I was all ready to win when the next thing I knew there was a knock at the door and my boyfriend came walking in to my apartment. My roommate got a full video of this, but unfortunately because she has the camera card I don't have it right now.... But here is a Facebook link that HOPEFULLY will send ya there and let ya watch the video. :) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10201070345060911&l=210738060703303171

If you have watched that you can see the look on my face... absolutely priceless as my roommate says. :) I could NOT believe my boyfriend was there! After all of that I went to sit next to him on the couch and he just pulled me in and we cuddled for a bit. We tried to watch a movie that night, but everyone left the room so we got to talk and just be there with each other and no we didn't kiss. He told me from 2 months ago that I should be patient with him, so I didn't want to pressure him in to doing something he wasn't comfortable with. We got to talk a lot that night and then the next day too. :) That's when we finally kissed. 

I'd love to say that everything has been perfect, but it hasn't been. We were together a year and a half before he left, which was enough time to get out of the "puppy dog" stage and into a real life relationship. It's been difficult since he's come home-- just because we are both not used to having each other around. I for one am used to being alone a lot and he is used to having a male companion with him 24/7. That took some time to get used to and just working everything out. It hasn't been all smiles, but it definitely hasn't been all tears either. A relationship is tough, but is also totally worth it! 

He has been home a week and the 2nd day he was home he was asking how soon we could get married. :) I feel like he's been home forever! The past couple days have been some of the best and I couldn't ask for anything better. :) I love him so much and I am so excited to have him home. :) Now we can finally start our future instead of just talk about it. :) 

Waiting for him was only a blink of our eternity. :) 
2 years later... 


  1. This just gives me so much hope! My missionary just went out two months ago and posts like this make me so happy and I love seeing that this is going to work if you try hard at it! :) Thank you!

    1. You're welcome! I love sharing my story! :) How has the wait been going? Sorry I didn't see your comment until now...
