“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Monday, January 14, 2013

One Year Done!

Oh my goodness I have finally hit the half way point! :D What the what?!

The last year has been such a roller coaster! I can't even believe everything that's happened. I miss him, yes but after I think the first six months I got used to the fact that he was gone and I couldn't talk to him everyday. Don't get me wrong, I still get upset every now and then about him being gone. I still cry every once in a while, but I'm trying to keep myself occupied and it doesn't upset me that much anymore. I still miss him a lot though!

I remember since the first day he left I was always thinking "I cannot wait until I can say that this day last year I wasn't with Mark so that means he is coming home soon." AND NOW I CAN SAY THAT! It's crazy!

Not going to lie, the last month went SLOWWWWW! I was talking to Jayda just being like "Holy cow these last few days couldn't have gone any slower!" She totally agreed with me haha, but I be that's what it will be like when he is about to come home next year. :) Crazy to think that this time next year he and I will almost be together (his transfers end on the 15th).

Today, the 14th, though is our 2 and a half year anniversary. :)

Time is so crazy and really seems like it's going slow but in the grand scheme of things it goes fast. I remember not being able to wait to move out of home and how I was thinking time would go so slow with Mark being gone. Now I'm like WOW! it's really been THAT long?!

Christmas was great too! :D I got to Skype with him. :) It was SO good to hear him and see him. :) 

Life is way good though! I am finally all settled in to St. George and am making a lot of friends, so they keep me entertained while I'm waiting for Mark to get back. :) I haven't gotten a letter in a few weeks, but I'm kinda getting used to it. I just remember that if he is either too tired or too busy to write me, either one is okay with me because that means he's working hard and doing his job instead of being worried about me or anything like that. I just keep in my mind that he is giving these two years to the Lord and when he is done with that he will be here with me, where we can talk everyday and stuff. :)

I've really been thinking about the past year, how I have grown and how he has grown. We both have grown up and become more mature I feel, for sure. I definitely have become more independent, I even consider myself a full blown adult... weird. He has just become so close to our Heavenly Father and Christ and it has changed him into something better than he ever has been. :) Whenever I talk to him about stuff going on here at home he will answer with some gospel things like scriptures or stuff and I love that! :) It just shows me that he is working and remembering and learning and doing amazing. :)

The past year has been difficult, but it's definitely been worth it. We have become better people and are more prepared for what life has to bring us when he does get home. I can't imagine what more we'll learn the next year, but I'm set and ready for the ride! :) 12 more months! :D

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