“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

2 Years of Marriage?!

I cannot believe I haven't written in so long! Let me catch you up to speed!

Mark and I have been married for over 2 years now! It has just flown by. Once your missionary comes home it's like time just flies.

We both went to school and graduated. He graduated with his associates of science and I got my bachelor's degree. We both worked for a year while we waited to hear back from my PA schools. (PA school is hard to get in to and expensive!) I ended up looking into some accelerated bachelor's of nursing programs as well. I got accepted into a program at Roseman University in South Jordan and will get my bachelors degree in nursing in June. I've enjoyed learning about nursing and am excited for the future career.

Mark is going to UVU for computer engineering and I am so excited for him!

Other than us both going to school and working we are just hanging out and constantly learning more about each other and our relationship. I thought I knew everything about him when we first got married, but I knew nothing compared to what I know now.

Our first year of marriage was hard. We were both getting used to how we each do things around the house. We also moved a lot. We first moved into a studio apartment. Mark didn't realize how much junk I carry around with me (haha poor guy) so we moved into a one bedroom apartment after that. Mark worked a night job and I had a hard time with that. (As well as finding scorpions and snakes in the apartment. Let's just say I called him crying while he was out of town. Haha.) So he ended up taking a job to help his mom out at a motel and we moved into the back of the motel with his mom. I love my mother in law and I am SO lucky she loves me so much haha. She's seriously the sweetest human being. After I graduated college and got a new full time job at the VA in Ivins we were able to move out and into a two bedroom apartment, which was my favorite apartment. I miss it so much. I LOVED being a CNA and got the honor of serving our veterans.

I think it was around this time when we celebrated our first anniversary! It was fun to take this picture. There was actually a couple who had just gotten married in the background (I cropped them out haha). We went to Fiesta Fun and raced some go-carts and did some bowling. That's like our competitive game haha. (Have you heard Jim Gaffigan's skit on bowling. GO LOOK IT UP!)

SO now fast forward to nowish. We moved to northern Utah for me to go to school and Mark is now going to school, too. We celebrated our second anniversary! 

I think looking back on these pictures will be fun to see where we were living at the time. Oh and it was raining that day! It was bright outside with rain coming down and the wind blowing my bangs everywhere... It was hard to get a nice picture haha.

Before marriage I was learning a lot about life and science. In marriage I have learned a lot about myself. It's been the biggest learning experience of my life. A roller coaster of ups and downs. The ups definitely make the downs worth it. I love Mark even more than I did before we got married. He's a great person and I'm lucky to have him in my life. :)