“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Monday, November 25, 2013

MAYBE the Last Couple Weeks!

I cannot believe how long it has been since I have written on here! It has been almost 6 months! Holy cow!

Life has been just busy. :) I started my new semester at Dixie State University (it's a University now..woot! ;)) ANYWAYS School is just school, nothing too awesome going on there. I actually don't like school that much haha. I used to enjoy it, but now that I'm almost done with my Bachelor's I'm like ughhhhhh. Maybe I'll like it after my Bachelor's? Who knows. BUT That's not the reason anyone would be reading this blog, my rantings about school. You might want to know more about how Mark is. :) Well I definitely can talk about that! :)

Communication has been reduced to emails every week. It's not much, but it keeps me sane. :) I got a package for my birthday, which was awesome and I think I wrote about -- other than that there hasn't been any snail mail. ;) I feel like his mission has been going well. With what I can get out of him he likes his companion. :) So that's gotta be good right? haha.

As for the day he is coming back he still won't tell me for sure. I have done some investigating... well kinda not really STUMBLED upon, purely. ;) I know a couple girls who had missionaries go to the same area and they are coming home on the 19th of December, but they've stayed in that same area as for Mark he did move to another area so I was thinking it's a possibility that he could come home a week earlier or so, but I decided to take that idea out of my head, so I am set on the 19th of December. HE tells me that January 2nd is the day he's coming and his mom said that was the date on his plane ticket, but I just never know haha. From this I don't know if I have only a couple weeks left to 3 weeks or a little more than a month... Haha. So we will hope for sooner than later, but when he comes home and how he sees me again for the first time is a mystery to me as much as it is for you. :)

I have learned so much from my experience for the last little bit of waiting. People say that it goes by super fast and honestly I can't really think about when he had 2 months left or anything I feel like it went from 4 to a few weeks left! I definitely am still trying to keep myself preoccupied, but everyone around me is getting excited too. :) His cousin is freaking out haha. :) I try to not think about it, but because of that it's super hard to stay preoccupied. :) I feel like a couple weeks should go by super fast, but it has been dragging! We have Thanksgiving break this week so I think it'll go quick after that. :) I am excited to sleep haha!

Mark and I have been kinda having a tough time. It's hard to realize that everything you know now and have been used to for 2 years is about to change drastically. It's weird for me to think about having a boyfriend in town with me. It might sound weird, but I feel weird being single in a singles ward and not able to date. The fact that I'm waiting for a missionary got around like wild fire and I haven't really ever gotten asked out on a date. I am excited to be able to start dating Mark and having that person around that I can confide in. :) Two of my best friends that I would hang out with a lot, Mark's cousin being one of them, started dating each other. Therefore that situation has gotten kind of awkward for me and of course they don't realize the epic third wheeling they are able to do. Since it's Mark's cousin and I have gotten super close to both of them I don't want to just write them off, but it'll be nice to have Mark home so my life isn't awkward with couples haha. I think about how nervous I am for Mark to come home and I can't even imagine how HE is feeling! His whole world is changing and I can tell he isn't himself right now. I hope that by the time he comes home he will feel better about it all, but we won't really know until he does come home.

I think the number one thing I want to tell anyone reading this is to not let anyone around you tell you about your relationship. This might be confusing and you might be like, "Well duh Jennica." But I guess I am someone who just likes reassurance from the people around me. My mom has always been super supportive of the whole situation. She is just like, "Make sure that you really love him and care about him still when he come home." I told her that every time I think about him coming home I get nervous and that I know I am just going to start bawling when I see him again. That's all she needed for reassurance and we continued to talk about our wedding plans haha. My mom has been super awesome this whole time. :) As for Mark's cousin here at school he has been supportive to a point. He kept on telling me today IF Mark and I work out, but he hopes we do. My dad even was saying he isn't planning on getting a plane ticket here for a wedding until we "know we want to get married." I'm like thinking you guys just don't get it! I got super sad and let it affect me because Mark and I didn't have too awesome of an email today. He wasn't in a great mood and I kind of wrongly took offense to something he had said, but I totally ignored everything he had said. He reassured me that we were in this together and that he loves me. What more did I need? I wrote him a letter and it made me feel a lot better. My emotions have kind of been going crazy from excited to scared to really nervous. I FEEL LIKE I AM BIPOLAR! I hope the next couple weeks just goes by fast because I don't know how much longer I can feel like a mental person haha.

In the end I just miss Mark... a lot. He has been my best friend for over 3 years and we both know what we want from this relationship. I have gotten 2 specific confirmations about Mark and me getting married in the end and THAT was from the big man upstairs. :) We all know He is never wrong. :) I don't want to doubt my relationship anymore and him coming home will be such a relief. :) I love him and I am so nervous, excited, and scared to see him again! :)
Horse Riding!

Catching Fire was SOOOOO Good!

Shooting some archery!

We walk the dogs from the pound every week. This one was so cute!

Halloween Costumes. Gryffindor wins!