“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

13 Months DOWN! :D

This month I think just the hardest part was time seemed to go by so slowly! I don't know why, but it just did.

I have been thinking a lot about how I was feeling this time last year and this time last year I THOUGHT time would go by so slowly, but it went by super quick and NOW it's going by slow haha. Weird right? I thought so. :)

So I have been trying different methods of waiting, thinking about him a lot or trying to not think about him. Some girls I think prefer one over the other and I think I definitely prefer reminiscing or writing him almost everyday. I feel like it makes time go by faster, well better I guess. I like it a lot better to think about him and how he and I were. Now don't get me wrong I ALWAYS thought about him. Just some girls don't write as often as I do and I for some reason didn't write as often for a couple weeks and I just didn't like it! Now that I'm writing as fast as I used to I really feel like I am happier. :) I love writing him and I don't like feeling like he won't hear from me because I am being lazy. I don't know, it's kind of a weird thought and feeling haha.

So Valentine's Day is tomorrow! The LAST Valentine's I'll have to spend alone! :) Yayyyy! I am So excited to say that. :) I don't mind being alone on Valentine's actually, I think it really bothers some people, but I'm like "Whatever, it's just another day." haha. Yeah.

Life has been crazy! My roommate is getting married! This is SO hard for me because she's my best friend here at college and it sucks kind of. Like I'm super happy for her, but it sucks that she won't be my roommate anymore... :( I'll have to blog about it haha. But I love her so much and I am so excited for her! :)

Mark is still on his mission and is loving it. :) He is transforming into a different person, a very good person though. :) He's telling me about attributes he's picked up and I'm like "Sweet! This is going to be awesome!" This just emphasizes the whole getting to know him again when he comes home. I feel like I know him, because I do-- I know his wants, goals and ambitions in life. I just have to get to know the more refined him, which I am so excited to do! :)

Only 11 months left! :D Yay! :)