“I’ve learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you’re with me, even when you’re not by my side.”
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Sunday, December 16, 2012

11 Months Down, 13 To GO!

The eleventh month! WOW all I can say is WOW! :D I can't even believe it. Only one more until the year and then it's all downhill from there baby! :)

First semester of college is done! Yayyyyyyyy! This semester was just hard. It was really tough to get through. So many changes, which made it difficult to get through but yes! I can finally say I have completed it! :) Oh what a good feeling that is.

I have learned so much! I can't even express how much I have learned since Mark has been away.

My roommates have gone for the holidays back home so I had to go to church alone today. It was kind of weird sitting there by myself just listening to everything. It made me realize how difficult it would be to sit there alone EVERY week and how much I never want anyone to have to do that. I really didn't want to stay for Relief Society, considering I was there all alone and I could really use a nap, but I decided that wasn't a good enough excuse to leave church so I stuck through it. The lesson was on the plan of salvation and how it helps us in our life. I have had this renewed testimony of this since the passing of my dad. At the end the teacher gave us time to bare our testimonies. I got this strong urge to bare mine and finally shared (with the 10 maybe 15 girls in Relief Society) my experiences this semester with my dad passing and how much easier life is with the knowledge I will see him again. I am so proud of Mark for being out on his mission and teaching those who don't currently know about this beautiful plan. With it I have the peace and assurance that because I am sealed to my dad, I will see him again and that this separation is only for the time being. That the sad feelings I have are just because I miss him in my Earthly existence, but I know I have him forever when I am in heaven.

I know this to be true. I have a testimony of this. Today at church helped me tie in to how grateful I am for the gospel and missionary work. That Mark isn't only a blessing in my life, but will always and forever be a blessing into someone else's life also. I am glad that I wasn't selfish to keep him here with me. I am glad that I am supporting his mission and him on his mission. I wouldn't have this life any other way! :)

Here's to the next 13 months! :D